At a recent Knights of Columbus meeting, members received information about a new Supreme Council program called the Ultrasound Initiative.
Tag: pro-life
Open house held at clinic Feb. 9
Our Lady of Hope Clinic, 6425 Odana Rd., holds an open house and tour of the clinic each second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m.
Pro-life persistence does pay off
Mother Teresa has been quoted as saying, “I do not pray for success; I pray for faithfulness.” Many people in the pro-life movement haven’t seen much success in the past 37 years, but they have continued to be faithful in fighting for the lives of unborn babies.
The January 22, 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe vs. Wade which legalized abortion set in motion a fierce debate in this country. The court decision has not been overturned, but there are signs of hope as we begin the year 2010.
Bishop calls for three-day prayer, fast for Culture of Life
In anticipation of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12, Bishop Robert C. Morlino has invited all to join him in a three-day intensified prayer and fasting to build and support the Culture of Life.
Praying for an end to abortion
Bishop Robert C. Morlino prays the Rosary at the 40 Days for Life Vigil on October 30, 2009, with a large group of supporters.
Bishop Morlino to lead prayers at 40 Days for Life
Bishop Robert C. Morlino will lead prayers at 40 Days for Life outside Planned Parenthood, 3706 Orin Rd., Madison, on Friday, Oct. 30, at 3:30 p.m.
Defend right to life by feeding the hungry
Some people consider the “right to life” as dealing primarily with issues such as abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia. However, respect for life from womb to tomb must include caring for the needs of people throughout that spectrum.
Pope Benedict XVI reminded us of this wider pro-life view in a message he wrote for World Food Day, observed on October 16 this year. His written message was addressed to Jacques Diouf, director-general of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Let your legislators know how you feel about health care reform measures
To the editor:
The debate on health care reform has been raging for months with the Democratic congressional leadership and various committees frantically trying to come up with a bill that will actually pass in Congress. But through it all, two things have not changed:
Benedict XVI and the truth about charity
Pope Benedict XVI’s social encyclical, Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth), is a complex and occasionally obscure document, replete with possible implications for the future development of Catholic social doctrine.
Sorting those implications out will take much time and even more careful reflection. Along the information superhighway, however, careful reflection hit a few potholes in the early going, as sundry partisans sought to capture Caritas in Veritate as a weapon with which to bolster the Obama administration’s economic, health care, and social welfare policies.
Prayer and action urged on health care reform
MADISON — A group of concerned citizens in the Diocese of Madison is urging prayer and action to assure that national health care reform legislation respects the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.
“For the sake of babies, the chronically ill, the developmentally disabled, the frail elderly, and the American people if life-ending measures are included in governmental policies, we are urging people to pray for the Precious Blood of Jesus to pour over our nation and this effort,” said Deacon Jack Fernan of Madison, one of the organizers of the effort.