The Catholic Herald Mission Statement:
The Catholic Herald is the official newspaper of the Diocese of Madison. Its purpose is to inform and educate people of the Diocese through communications that proclaim Gospel values, report the news, and comment on issues as they pertain to the mission of the Catholic Church, which is to bring all in Jesus Christ to the Father. |
• Web edition: Catholic Press Association Best Web Site: Honorable Mention.
• Award of Distinction, The Communicator Awards 2002 Print Media competition.
• Print edition: Award winner, Catholic Press Association 2004 awards competition.
Article removed: Because of a licensing agreement with Catholic News Service, The Catholic Herald may archive CNS news stories for only 30 days. A CNS article has been removed from this site: Cardinal Ratzinger, guardian of church doctrine, elected 265th pope (article was posted 4/19/05, 3:36 p.m. Central Time).
A related story was published in the April 28, 2005 print edition (page 1A) of The Catholic Herald.
See also the article below, and the links to related articles in the box below.
Bishop Morlino comments on election of Pope Benedict XVI
-- Posted: 4/19/05, 5:27 p.m. Central Time
By Mary C. Uhler
MADISON -- Bishop Robert C. Morlino welcomed the election of Pope Benedict XVI on April 19 and promised his "unfailing, loyal, and loving obedience, all the time, without reservation" to the new successor of St. Peter.
At the Mass opening the conclave on April 18, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger gave a homily containing a strong statement rejecting the "dictatorship of relativism" in modern society. At the end of the homily, the cardinal also prayed that God would again give the church "a pastor according to his own heart, a pastor who guides us to knowledge in Christ, to his love and true joy."
Bishop Morlino said, "I was bowled over by that homily. It may have been the best homily I've ever heard. That homily was so strong in truth and in love. I think the Holy Spirit showed the cardinals the way."
He added that the Holy Spirit has given the church a "gift" in Pope Benedict XVI. "He is one of the most brilliant theologians in the history of the church," commented Bishop Morlino. "He will lead us all into a deeper friendship with the Lord, which involves knowing the truth about Jesus. He can articulate it, speak it, and show it. He has the ability to pull it all together for us."
Bishop Morlino also praised the new pontiff's qualities of listening and welcoming people. He recalled a visit to Rome with diocesan staff from Helena, Mont., in 2001. They visited the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, headed by Cardinal Ratzinger.
"He was very generous in welcoming members of our diocesan staff and pausing for photos. He gave them his time and attention," recalled the bishop. "Some on my staff had a 'chip' on their shoulder about Cardinal Ratzinger from impressions about him given in the media. After the visit, they were completely transformed in their attitude because of his love. He believes that all of his are important. He gives time with a gentleness and a warmth that are overwhelming."
Bishop Morlino emphasized, "I am confident Pope Benedict will be a singular blessing for the church. I welcome him with love and promise him our loyalty in the days ahead."
On Sunday, April 24, at 4 p.m. Bishop Morlino will preside at a Mass at St. James Church in Madison marking the parish's centennial. In the absence of the cathedral church, that Mass will also be an occasion to pray for the new pope, he said.
Related info:
• Diocese of Madison Web site: Vatican Biography of Joseph Ratzinger, the Newly Elected Pope Benedict XVI
Coverage of the death of Pope John Paul II
Diocese of Madison site:
News & Features:

• Pope's message: 'Called to put out into the deep'

• 'Be not afraid': Pope's words speak to all of us, archbishop says

• Spiritual testament: Pope reflects on persecution, aging

• Retreats: In diocese and beyond

• Sharing faith: Cardinal Dulles encourages young adults

• Vatican exhibit: To make visit to Milwaukee in February, 2006

• Question Corner by Fr. John Dietzen -- Zodiac signs: Why are they located inside St. Peter's Square?

• Guest Column by Fr. Ronald Rolheiser --
John Paul II: The influence of his life and death

• Our Turn by Therese J. Borchard -- The pope's last lesson: How to face suffering

• Subscribe to print edition
Bishop Robert C. Morlino gives the homily at a special memorial Mass for Pope John Paul II at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Monona. (Catholic Herald photo by Julianne Nornberg) |
Holy Father: Reached out with 'hugging, loving smile and reason'
By Julianne Nornberg
MADISON -- We must continue to uphold the culture of life, truth, and freedom with the same "hugging, loving smile and reason of the Holy Father."
That's what Bishop Robert C. Morlino told those attending a memorial Mass for Pope John Paul II at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Monona April 10.
Referring to the disciples on the road to Emmaus in the Gospel reading, Bishop Morlino said after Jesus explained the Scriptures to them, their hearts were burning within them, their discouragements were crushed, and they knew him in the breaking of the bread. Full story ...
Tom Shipley: Named new Catholic Foundation President and Director of Stewardship for the Diocese of Madison
By Mary C. Uhler
MADISON -- Bishop Robert C. Morlino has announced that Tom Shipley has been named Director of Stewardship for the Diocese of Madison.
Shipley will also be President of the new Diocese of Madison Catholic Foundation to be established. He will officially begin his duties with the diocese in mid-June.
Bishop Morlino thanked Shipley for once again choosing to serve the Church in her hour of
need. Full story ...
St. James Parish: Planning centennial celebrations
MADISON -- St. James Parish in Madison is planning several centennial celebrations.
Members of the parish are invited to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the parish by attending the centennial Mass at 4 p.m. Sunday, April 24. Bishop Robert C. Morlino will preside at the Mass. Former priests and deacons of the parish have been invited to take part.
Parishioners are invited to attend a reception following Mass. The parish will host a special dinner for the bishop and former priests and deacons afterward. Full story ...