Diocesan Events
April 16-17, 2005
World Day of Prayer
For Vocations Weekend
April 19, 2005
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Madison
May 19, 2005
Adult Faith Formation Spring Gathering
Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center, Madison
May 27, 2005
Priesthood Ordination
St. Aloysius Parish, Sauk City
7:30 p.m. (NOTE: location changed to above church due to fire at St. Raphael Cathedral)
June 10-12, 2005
Together Encountering Christ (TEC) #109
St. Rose of Lima Parish, Cuba City
July 29-31, 2005
Together Encountering Christ (TEC) #110
St. Henry Parish, Watertown
August 14-25, 2005
Pilgrimage to World Youth Day, Cologne, Germany
Contact: Office of Religious Education,
Around the Diocese
Fish and chicken fries
ASHTON - Fish fry, St. Peter School, Hwy. K, Friday, April 15, 5 to 8 p.m.; carryouts available.
DODGEVILLE - Fish and chicken fry, St. Joseph School, 305 E. Walnut St., Friday, April 15, 4:30 to 8 p.m.; carryouts available.
MONTFORT - Pork roast dinner, St. Thomas Parish basement, 104 Park St., Saturday, April
16, 5 to 7:30 p.m.; carryouts available.
DICKEYVILLE - Parish family breakfast, Holy Ghost gym, 305 W. Main St., Sunday, April 17, 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon.
EDGERTON - Breakfast, St. Joseph Parish, 590 S. St. Joseph Cir., Sunday, April 17, 8 to 11 a.m.; sponsored by Knights of Columbus.
MADISON - Auction and social, "Hooray for Hollywood," Edgewood High School Commons and Wilke gym, Saturday, April 23, 6:30 to 10 p.m.: $45 per person entry includes hors d'oeuvres and wine/beer; cash bar available for mixed drinks; live entertainment; RSVP by April 15; call advancement office, 608-257-1023, ext. 133; money raised will support financial aid and provide competitive salaries and benefits to Edgewood teachers.
Catholic Daughters
MADISON - Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Madison 1164, meeting at All Saints Retirement Center, 8202 Highview Dr., Thursday, April 21: registration, 10 a.m.; meeting at 10:30, rosary, 11:40; Mass, luncheon, program with Eileen Harrington on Peace Corp; guests welcome; luncheon cost $8; reservations and cancellations must be received before noon on Monday, April 18 by calling Mary at 608-831-6875.
Catholic Women's Club
JANESVILLE - Catholic Women's Club banquet, Janesville Country Club, Tuesday, May 3: social hour, 5:30 p.m.; dinner, 6:30; Matt Glowacki guest speaker; scholarships awarded; cost of $20 includes tip; send checks to Charlotte Butters, 611 N. Grant Ave., Janesville, WI 53545, by April 28.
Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center
MADISON - Scheduled events, Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center, 702 S. High Point Rd., call 608-821-3130 for information:
• Eucharistic Exposition and Prayer for Vocations every weekday, Monday through Friday, from 9 to 11:45 a.m. (all welcome)
• Daily Mass, noon, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
• Friday, April 15-Saturday, April 16 - St. Paul's University Catholic Center-Men's Retreat
• Saturday, April 16 - St. Paul's University Catholic Center-High School Confirmation Retreat; Office of Family Ministry Retrouvaille Post Session and C.O.R.E.
• Sunday, April 17-Monday, April 18 - Emmaus-Retreat
• Monday, April 18 - Office of Catholic Schools-Standardized Report Card Committee; Office of Religious Education-LIMEX
• Tuesday, April 19 - Office of Pastoral Services-Virtus Awareness Session
• Wednesday, April 20 - Catholic Charities-Special Needs Adoption Support Group
• Thursday, April 21 - Madison Serra Club-Board meeting
Camp Gray
REEDSBURG - Camp Gray, scheduled events; for rent reservation or summer camp program, call Tricia Sanborn, 800-711-4729:
• April 15-16 - Wheaton College, Wheaton, Ill.
• April 16-17 - St. Jude Parish, Beloit.
• April 18 - St. William School, Janesville.
• April 19-20 - St. Patrick School, Sparta.
• April 21-22 - St. Mary School, Platteville; St. Charles School, Cassville; St. Mary School, Bloomington.
Send announcements of parish and diocesan organizations' activities to: The Catholic Herald, P.O. Box 44985, Madison, WI 53744-4985; fax: 608-821-3071; e-mail: info@madisoncatholicherald.org. Deadline is the Wednesday preceding the week of publication.