MADISON — Here’s how the Catholic Church is already supporting women, families, and children — and how you can join our diocese’s latest effort: Walking with Moms in Need (WWMIN).
For months, people on both sides of the abortion debate wondered if 2022 would be the year Roe v. Wade would be overturned.
The May 3 leak related to the U.S. Supreme Court case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization suggested the answer might be “yes”.
That “yes,” which was released on June 24 with the reversal of the Roe v. Wade decision with the Dobbs opinion returns decisions around abortion to the state level and there will be limited or no access to abortion in a number of states, including, potentially, our own.
As Catholic Christians we believe human life is sacred from conception to natural death. We are heartened and hope-filled that overturning Roe v. Wade will save lives.
But we also know that simply being against abortion isn’t enough.
We must show the world that we are compassionately and whole-heartedly for life — not just in the womb, but in the world.
Being ‘for life’
The good news? There are so many ways the Catholic Church is already living its “for life” commitment.
Here are just a few:
Support at the national and state levels for women, family, and child-focused government policies.
The Catholic Church has a long track record of supporting government policies designed to increase the physical and mental well-being of women, children, and families.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC) lobby Congress and the state legislature respectively, for increased child tax credits, childcare assistance, food and nutrition, and many other life-affirming policies.
These types of support could make a critical difference for our vulnerable brothers and sisters.
It’s imperative for Catholics to contact their elected representatives and urge them to support such policies.
Stay up to date on state and national policies by subscribing to these electronic advocacy networks: usccb.org/take-action and wisconsincatholic.org/electronic-advocacy
Support at the local level for programs that help women, families, and children.
Here are just a few of the many ways Catholic organizations in the Diocese of Madison live out our Church’s commitment to life:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul: Food pantry, charitable pharmacy, housing and poverty mitigation programs, clothing and furniture vouchers, goods storage program (for people experiencing homelessness), food pantry garden, portable-crib program, energy assistance program
Catholic Charities: Mental health in schools, family counseling, adoption resources, The Beacon (day shelter for people experiencing homelessness), Birth-to-3 early intervention program for infants/toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities, food pantries, 5 Door Recovery (a residential facility for those facing substance abuse, housing navigation services) to meet the needs of those experiencing housing insecurity and homelessness
Catholic Multicultural Center: meal programs, food pantry, personal essentials pantry, shower and laundry, classes (including English as a Second language, Spanish as a Second language, and citizenship class) employment search assistance, food service job training, computer lab, youth activities, and immigration and legal services
New program
Plus, support for a new program is underway: Walking with Moms in Need.
Over the past year, Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison and the Diocese of Madison have offered their unconditional support for this critical program.
Pope Francis has encouraged Catholic churches to become “islands of mercy in the midst of a sea of indifference.”
WWMIN is part of a national effort to do just that by helping pregnant and parenting moms.
Each parish is asked to complete a survey about the resources they already offer to women in need and this information will be incorporated into a diocesan-wide website.
There is no cost for parishes to be included on the website.
To participate, each parish is asked to do three simple things:
1. Watch a brief training video — now available online at madisondiocese.org/wwmin
This video provides an overview of Walking with Moms in Need, plus instructions on completing the parish survey that will be used to create the diocesan website.
2. Email Walking with Moms in Need at wwminmadison@gmail.com after watching the video.
WWMIN will send the parish a quick survey to complete — one survey should be returned per parish.
Not sure if someone from your parish has already been trained?
Check the website link above to find out.
3. Fill out the survey and send it back to WWMIN. Surveys completed to date highlight a wealth of mom-friendly support at diocesan parishes including diaper drives, maternity and baby clothing, meals for new moms, and help with rent and utilities.
“Moms need to know they can rely on the Catholic Church for support,” said Bishop Hying. “I hope every parish in the diocese will join our efforts.”
Questions? Contact the local volunteer WWMIN team at wwminmadison@gmail.com