When I was younger than I am now (no one can agree or believe how old I am anyway so use whatever math you like), I would think about fantastic things as if they were potential reality.
Tag: wishes
Planning a Catholic funeral and burial
Death: Our Birth into Eternal life Damian Lenshek |
The following article is the next installment in a series that will appear in the Catholic Herald to offer catechesis and formation concerning end of life decisions, dying, death, funerals, and burial of the dead from the Catholic perspective.
One of the saddest situations I encounter is when a daily Mass attendee, after decades of devotion, dies and does not receive a Catholic funeral or burial.
Usually, this happens when the deceased’s children are not practicing Catholics and, either through ignorance or rejection of the Faith, do not seek a funeral Mass for their devout parent.
St. Peter Parish bids farewell to Msgr. Charles Schluter
MADISON — St. […]