On October 21, news of Pope Francis’ comments from a 2019 interview included in a new documentary film, which seem to signal his private and personal support for civil unions of homosexuals, made world headlines.
Tag: union
Badger Catholic Swing Dance
MADISON — Badger […]
We celebrate Labor Day for very good reasons
Years ago, when we were packing for one of our family vacations, I asked my mother where she went for vacations when she was a little girl.
“We didn’t take vacations when I was little,” she said. “Your grandfather worked for a railroad, and if he wanted a day off, they would give his job to someone else.” She paused a moment and said, “Later when the union came, we got to take vacations.”
Enjoy benefits won by others
I think of that moment from time to time, usually around Labor Day. It’s useful to recall that what many of us enjoy today is the result of victories won by others years ago.
Common good must be focal point of budget debate
Now that the governor has presented his state budget to the Legislature, fiscal issues and spending priorities will dominate the legislative agenda for the next several months.
First, the Joint Committee on Finance will hold hearings on the proposals. Then some of the standing committees may hold “subject matter” hearings on aspects of the budget related to their areas of expertise.
Catholic teaching and unions: Framing the debate
In the recent struggle between Scott Walker and the public sector unions, many people have asked where Catholic social teaching stands in this debate. The “both/and” nature of Church teaching yet again finds Catholics on both sides of the argument. While the Church offers “no technical solutions” (Caritas in veritate 10) it does provide the principles upon which to frame the debate.
Clarifying the fairness issue
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Dear Friends,
Believe it or not, I frequently try to avoid weighing in-on certain situations. However, the recent happenings in our state capital with regard to legislation about labor union practices beg for a comment. In this column, I simply want to point out how a well-informed conscience might work through the dilemma which the situation poses.