The dictionary definition of “truth” is “actuality” and “a body of real things, events, and facts.” As Christians, we know that Truth is a person, Jesus Christ, who is the fullness of the reality of God, come to us in human form.
Tag: truth
The truth and the divinity of Christ
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I recently read a survey of Catholics which indicated a significant number of the respondents did not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and is not divine.
We may rightfully distrust the full accuracy of surveys, yet this data point troubles me greatly.
If one does not affirm the divinity of Jesus, our entire Catholic faith is deceptive and illusory.
New York, abortion, and a short route to chaos
It was the celebration that was particularly galling. On the 46th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, the governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, signed into law a protocol that gives practically unrestricted access to abortion, permitting the killing of an unborn child up until the moment of delivery.
Bishop Morlino’s tribute section in paper speaks beautifully to a life well-lived
To the editor:
The December 6 issue of the Catholic Herald had tough competition from tree trimming, gift wrapping, and Christmas cards.
But I welcomed a “sit-down” to read the special “In Memoriam” section about Bishop Robert C. Morlino in the Herald. It speaks beautifully to a life well-lived.
Presentation at Jefferson church on angels, demons, and ghosts
JEFFERSON — Dave […]
Catholic schools do a great job!
It’s that time of year when we celebrate graduations in schools around the country. This week’s Catholic Herald includes our annual Catholic school graduation section. We invite Catholic schools in the Diocese of Madison to send information about their graduation ceremonies.
What divides us is more than unites us
To the editor:
In regard to the article, on the Lutheran-Catholic service held in Madison, it’s a disservice to lead people to believe that outside of the sacraments of the Catholic Church we are united. Love and unity comes from the source of the sacraments who “IS” Jesus Christ Himself. For this reason, “what divides us is by far more than what unites us.”
Church invites all to encounter Jesus Christ
By now you’ve seen or heard a great deal about me and what I’m supposed to have done most recently. It’s been in the papers, online, and on TV and radio news. You’ve been told by your friends, and talked about it over coffee. To some of you, what you’ve heard simply confirms the judgements you’ve already made long ago. For others, what you’ve heard left you sad and scratching your heads.
In truth, I find myself in that latter group.
The observations and reactions that have been made simply do not account for the total context. And what has grown from there is a flurry of opportunity for people to jump to every sort of negative conclusion and to air those negative judgements freely and widely. All of this has occurred very much absent the reality of the situation.
Proclaiming the truth about the Ascension
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This column is the bishop’s communication with the faithful of the Diocese of Madison. Any wider circulation reaches beyond the intention of the bishop. |
Dear Friends,
Why did Christ ascend to heaven? Wouldn’t it have been nice if He had just stayed here on earth and appeared regularly for the rest of history? Wouldn’t it be nice if every so often we could go to a certain place and He would appear? Wouldn’t it be nice if the whole world simply knew the truth and would not have to seek after faith, since they would have regular audiences with Christ, our God? Wouldn’t it be nice!
What was so important that Christ, with His Father and the Holy Spirit, decided not to do it that way? What could be so important? Two things:
Christ is Eternal High Priest
First of all, the Eternal High Priesthood of Christ had to be definitively accomplished, completed, and revealed. And that Eternal High Priesthood was definitively completed and revealed only when Jesus ascended and took His place at the Father’s right hand.
It says in the Hebrew Scriptures, the one who takes his place at the Father’s right hand is, in fact, the Eternal High Priest. “The Lord said to my lord, ‘Sit at my right hand while I make your enemies your footstool . . . You are a priest forever in the line of Melchizedek (Psalms 110: 1, 4)’.”
God holds us in His hands at all times
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This column is the bishop’s communication with the faithful of the Diocese of Madison. Any wider circulation reaches beyond the intention of the bishop. |
Dear Friends,
The readings of this past weekend speak a much-needed word of consolation, hope, and joy to each of us, in the here and now.
I don’t know about each of you (though I’ve heard from a number of you), but in my opinion there are a good number of reasons for concern in our times, and there’s good reason to wonder where things are going — especially in terms of our national political scene.
But in such moments of uncertainty, the followers of Jesus Christ have always been able to consider the ultimate realities and to reflect back upon readings like those of this past weekend.
In the first place, we can consider the context of Paul and Barnabas (Acts 13:14, 43-52) as they have begun to go out and preach the Good News far and wide.