Beth Williams knows it doesn’t always take a lot to help someone feel seen and cared about. “Our goal is to let female trafficking survivors know they’re never alone, to help them move from surviving to thriving. “To create the resources to make that possible, she founded Yada Fair Trade & Resale.
Tag: trafficking
Taking the next step in the fight against trafficking
Over the past few months, parishioners throughout the Diocese of Madison have had a number of opportunities to learn about the prevalence of sex trafficking throughout our state.
Preventing human trafficking
As our grandchildren grow older, I worry about the threat of human trafficking, especially the way human traffickers can lure young people through use of the Internet.
Pope Francis spoke about preventing human trafficking at his Sunday, Feb. 9, Angelus in St. Peter’s Square. The pope reminded people of the February 8 International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking. It falls on the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, who was sold into slavery as a child.
Filmmaker to introduce her film on human trafficking in Madison
MADISON — This is not a documentary on human trafficking. i am still here is a full-length film, written and directed in 2017 by Mischa Marcus.
She will be in Madison on Thursday, Sept. 12, at Edgewood College, Anderson Auditorium, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. to introduce and facilitate discussion of this film. It explores the serious and growing issue of child sex trafficking in the U.S.
McKenzie’s story: One person’s experience of sex trafficking in Madison
It’s the end of a long week. Her kids have been sick, and work is crazy busy, but McKenzie is committed to making this interview happen.
West Dane Catholic women host talk on realities of human trafficking
CROSS PLAINS — “Respecting the Dignity of God’s Creation” is the theme for the spring conference of the West Dane Council of Catholic Women (CCW) Tuesday evening, April 24, at St. Francis Xavier Church in Cross Plains.
Registration begins at 4:30 p.m. with Mass at 5 celebrated by Fr. Tom Kelley, pastor, and Msgr. Duane Moellenberndt, Sun Prairie. Following Mass, there will be a business meeting with election of officers, light dinner, and program.
Parish hosts program on protecting children from sex trafficking
MADISON — The St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Justice and Peace Committee is sponsoring a program on “Protecting Our Children from Sex Trafficking: What Are the Signs” after the 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday, Jan. 14, in the parish social hall.
The program will begin with the showing of a 20-minute film, Chosen, which demonstrates how easy it is for sex traffickers to lure teenagers in communities into the industry.
Program on human trafficking to be held on October 19
PALMYRA — Sr. Carol Haanen, a member of A New Genesis Community, will speak on “Trafficking, It Is Real” at the fall Jefferson Vicariate meeting at St. Mary Church here Thursday, Oct. 19.
The meeting starts at 11 a.m. with registration, followed by recitation of the Rosary at 11:45, the celebration of Mass at 12 noon, lunch at 1 p.m., and the program at 2 p.m.
Speakers warn against dangers of human trafficking
Wisconsin is one of the worst states in our country in terms of human trafficking involving both sex and labor trafficking, speakers told over 220 persons attending the biennial Catholics at the Capitol held March 28 at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center in downtown Madison.
State proposals would curb human trafficking
MADISON — The Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC) is supporting two bills that would strengthen Wisconsin’s human trafficking laws.
The proposals — Senate Bill 492 and Assembly Bill 620 — were considered in separate legislative hearings.
Constitutes grave offense
WCC Associate Director Barbara Sella offered written testimony in support of SB 492 to the Senate Committee on Transportation, Public Safety, and Veterans and Military Affairs on January 21 and to the Assembly Committee on Corrections on January 23.