On July 26, on the feast of Sts. Anne and Joachim, Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison joined the Love Begins Here (LBH) group of about 95 high school students from around the diocese.
Tag: sue
Sue Palm reflects on three decades with Catholic Charities
I have worked for Catholic Charities for 34-plus years. I heard about an opening at Catholic Charities from my neighbor who worked here.
I started out as the night-time receptionist for the Individual and Family Counseling Program.
I had graduated from UW-Madison and was thinking of going back to school to get my master’s degree in social work.
Former Planned Parenthood manager to kick-off Madison 40 Days for Life campaign
MADISON — Abortion facilities are dark, desolate places. Former Planned Parenthood Manager Sue Thayer knows this personally from her 17 years on the job at the Storm Lake, Iowa, Planned Parenthood.
Something happens, though, when peaceful volunteers show up to pray on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood. “With just one person out there, you bring the light of Christ,” said Thayer.
But, “chaos reigns inside,” she added.
According to Thayer, staff are already stressed out to meet the quotas that Planned Parenthood sets for each service, including abortion.
All can work towards becoming champions of the Rosary
There are many books and resources for people to use to learn not only how to say the Rosary, but how to go deeper into the history and development of the Rosary over many centuries.
Rural life is still the backbone of America, says Jim Ennis
“Rural life is still the backbone of America,” said Jim Ennis, executive director of Catholic Rural Life (CRL) and president of International Catholic Rural Association (ICRA), as he addressed a group of about 50 people at St. Joseph Parish in Dodgeville on October 1.
St. John the Baptist School in Waunakee promotes positive character development
St. John the Baptist Catholic School in Waunakee completed the second year of its Positive Character Development Program this past school year.
Ralph Ringelstetter receives award at St. Aloysius, Sauk City
During the kickoff event for St. Aloysius School’s Catholic Schools Week at Divine Mercy Parish in Sauk City, Class of 1950 alumnus Ralph Ringelstetter was presented with the “Distinguished Graduate Award.”
Catholic Charities Rock County Fashion Show brings smiles
The models were excited as they anticipated their walk down the runway with family and friends cheering them on.
But this wasn’t an ordinary fashion show. It was the seventh annual Rock County Fashion Show for the Disabled held at KANDU Industries on Friday evening, Sept. 11.
Rock County Fashion Show for the disabled is ‘highlight of the year’
Getting all dressed up for a special event and having something fun to look forward to does wonders for the human spirit.
That’s the idea behind the Rock County Catholic Charities Fashion Show for the disabled held in September each year.
Apostolate to the Handicapped TV Mass is still going strong
Some people might say good things just can’t last, but thanks to a family-friendship bond created almost 47 years ago, the Apostolate to the Handicapped’s weekly TV Mass has remained on the air on WISC-TV Channel 3 in Madison for as many years.