The year 1925 was the time of the song “Yes Sir, That’s My Baby,” Charlie Chaplin’s The Gold Rush, and President Calvin Coolidge. It was also the year that the needs of neighbors struggling to make ends meet galvanized a small group of Catholic parishioners in the Madison area.
Tag: Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The Memorial of St. Vincent de Paul falls on September 27. Born in France in 1581, Vincent was ordained a priest in 1600 and committed his life to the formation of the clergy and the service of the poor.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Madison welcomes senior director of human resources
This month, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul- Madison welcomed Elisha Santiago-Barudin as the organization’s first senior director of human resources.
Record demand at Dane County food pantries
Some of the largest pantries in Dane County say while demand is up, donations are down.
Leadership transition at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul-Madison
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP)-Madison District Council Board of Directors is pleased to announce Julie Bennett as the organization’s new chief executive officer and executive director.
The good works of the Church
Two weeks ago, I attended the national conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society in Baltimore as their national spiritual advisor.
St. Vincent de Paul honors volunteers at drive-in
On a beautiful, if blustery, fall evening, more than 130 volunteers, conference members, and staff of the District Council of Madison, Inc., Society of St. Vincent de Paul gathered September 30 at the Madison Mallards’ Duck Pond to celebrate the work of volunteers who serve neighbors in need in our community.
Be generous in giving
During the coronavirus pandemic, many Catholic parishes throughout the country have experienced a decline in weekly collections.
Almsgiving: the least known Lenten practice
Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving — these are the three Lenten practices we’ve all learned about since childhood.
It seems that prayer and fasting are widely practiced and well-known among Catholics. Many of us deepen our prayer life during Lent, and we follow at least the minimal fasting requirements. Many of us go beyond by “giving up” some of our favorite foods such as desserts, candy, and alcoholic beverages.
Let’s recover a sense of compassion
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines compassion as a “sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it.”
Perhaps it’s the constant news of disasters deluging us these days, but it seems as if many people have lost a sense of compassion. We’ve almost become numb to the suffering of others, whether it be from mass shootings, natural disasters, immigrants’ distress, or wars.