Through the progress and mixed blessings of modern technology, we have the best capability today of presenting ourselves as we want to be seen.
Tag: social media
Privacy is a thing of the past
We are living in a time where there are incalculable ways to communicate with someone. We’ve gone beyond face-to-face, letters, and even phone calls to texts, DMs, Snaps, Tweets, “TikToks,” posts, emails, and other syllables that probably don’t make sense to a lot of people.
Who are we in this world?
As this world feels more frenzied, divided, and distracted, I find myself tempted to idealize the seemingly simpler ways of ages past.
Breakdown of family, social media to blame
To the editor:
Again, in the wake of the terrible Florida school shooting, Mary Uhler talks about “common sense gun control.” I hear this phrase a lot, whether it’s TV, online, or print, but never hear any answers other than taking away Second Amendment rights.
Let’s take this a step further and start talking about controlling First Amendment rights; there is a lot of anger and hate on the Internet and social media these days, and our young people are exposed to it 24/7. How about the latest video games, that turn human lives into points for the participants?
Surprising lessons from YouTube viewers
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Just last month, my media ministry Word on Fire marked a milestone: 10,000,000 views on our YouTube channel.
This achievement fills me with gratitude both to God and to the many people who watched one or more of the videos I’ve produced. It also provides the occasion for me to reflect a bit on both the pitfalls and advantages of evangelizing through the new media.
An experiment
When we commenced our outreach through YouTube seven years ago, we did so in the manner of an experiment. YouTube had just come into being at that time, and it largely featured crude, homemade videos of cats jumping off the roof and babies gurgling for their mother’s camcorder.
I thought we should try to invade this space with the Gospel, and so I resolved to make short video commentaries on movies, music, current affairs, cultural happenings, etc.