Sister Mary Niemeyer, OP (Irenaea), died May 11, 2011, at St. Dominic Villa, Hazel Green, Wis.
Tag: Sister
Sister Anton Secker, OP, dies
Sister Anton Secker, OP, died May 12, 2011, at St. Dominic Villa, Hazel Green, Wis.
Sister St. Francis Lucille Goeden, dies
School Sister of St. Francis Lucille Goeden died April 16, 2011 at St. Joseph Convent in Campbellsport, Wis.
Mothers play key role: In their children’s response to a Church vocation
Mothers observe their children from an early age. They watch how they grow and develop, seeing what gifts and talents each child possesses.
Redemptive suffering is part of being a Christian
It is not easy to block out the multiple cries of pain and suffering that permeate the world. It is almost deafening.
All one has to do is turn on the radio, read the newspaper, watch television, or go online. We are bombarded with news of pain and suffering, almost to the saturation point. I think of the people in Libya, Haiti, Japan, and others affected by war and natural disasters. It gives me an overwhelming feeling.
Good people suffer
A couple of years ago I attended several lectures on the martyrs of El Salvador who were killed during a civil war that took place there in the 1970’s and ’80s. Archbishop Oscar Romero, four women missionaries, and several Jesuits — only to name a few of hundreds of people — were brutally murdered because they spoke out against the intense suffering of the Salvadoran people and a system of government that perpetuated it.
Sister Frances Cogan, OP, dies
Sister Frances Cogan, OP (Louis Mary), died April 7, 2011, at St. Dominic Villa, Hazel Green.
Sister Marie Colette Ryan, OP, dies
Dominican Sister Marie Colette Ryan died November 28, 2008, at the Motherhouse, Sinsinawa.