Sr. Meinrad Pahlke, OP, died Feb. 18, 2012, at St. Dominic Villa, Hazel Green, Wis.
Tag: Sister
Sr. Mary James (Alice Margaret Mary) Geenen, dies
Sister Mary James (Alice Margaret Mary) Geenen entered Eternal Life February 20, 2012, the third child of Henry R. Geenen and Gladys Catherine (McCormick) Geenen. She was born March 31, 1919 in Freedom. She attended Saint Nicholas Elementary School. After graduating from high school she attended Saint Norbert College and Silver Lake College where she earned a BA Degree in Elementary Education with majors in Philosophy and English. She attended the University of Dayton earning a MS Degree in Elementary Education.
School Sister of St. Francis Jane (Esdra) Hilger, dies
School Sister of St. Francis Jane (Esdra) Hilger, who lived her religious vocation as an educator at nearly a dozen Catholic Schools in three states, died January 22, 2012, at St. Joseph Convent, Campbellsport, Wisconsin.
Sister Antoinette “Toni” Callahan, OP (Vincent Mary), dies
Sister Antoinette “Toni” Callahan, OP (Vincent Mary), died Jan. 17, 2012, at Swedish Medical Center, Denver, Colo.
School Sister of St. Francis Catherine Guzy, dies
School Sister of St. Francis Catherine Guzy, 87, who served as a teacher, school principal, and an insurance agent, died January 17, 2012, at Sacred Heart Convent, Milwaukee.
School Sister of St. Francis Valine Althaus, dies
School Sister of St. Francis Valine Althaus, 100, who served in education for more than half a century, died January 5, 2012, at St. Joseph Convent, Campbellsport, Wis.
Where are the vocations?
The shortage of priests and religious men and women in the Church, particularly in Europe and North America, is common these days. Many international congregations like my own, the Sisters of the Holy Cross, are still getting new members, but in countries other than the United States. Many consider it a crisis.
Too often when we speak of vocations we limit that term to mean the call to ordained ministry and the consecrated life. When we pray for vocations, we usually ask God to inspire young people to answer a call to be Sisters, Brothers, and priests. Once in a while we might include the call to lay ministry in the Church, but that is the exception.
God calls each of us
We do not have to look far to find vocations. The truth is that each baptized person has a vocation, not just religious and clergy. By our Baptism each of us is called to share the mission of Jesus. As disciples of Jesus, every Christian is called to reveal God’s unconditional love and to spread that love to others. The next time you are at a Baptism liturgy listen closely to the prayers.
God’s greatest gift
The present economic crisis can provide us with an opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, rather than on the materialistic spirit that often permeates our Western culture.
Since so many people are unemployed or under-employed and many family incomes are shrinking, a lot people will have to limit the type and number of gifts they give. This might be a blessing in disguise. It can provide us a chance to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.
Sign of God’s great love
Gift giving is a wonderful tradition but too many of us tend to go overboard and often measure another’s love and care by the gifts they give and receive. And some people give gifts out of a feeling of obligation or just because someone gives them one. Many feel embarrassed if a person gives them a gift and they have nothing to give in return.
God’s greatest gift
The present economic crisis can provide us with an opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, rather than on the materialistic spirit that often permeates our Western culture.
Since so many people are unemployed or under-employed and many family incomes are shrinking, a lot people will have to limit the type and number of gifts they give. This might be a blessing in disguise. It can provide us a chance to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.
Sign of God’s great love
Gift giving is a wonderful tradition but too many of us tend to go overboard and often measure another’s love and care by the gifts they give and receive. And some people give gifts out of a feeling of obligation or just because someone gives them one. Many feel embarrassed if a person gives them a gift and they have nothing to give in return.
Advent: A time to reflect on God’s presence
An Advent homily that often comes back to me during this time of the Church year was delivered by a priest who shared what he was doing for Advent to help him appreciate the true meaning of the season.
For that Advent he would slow down and stop at every yellow light and wait patiently for it to turn green. This little exercise would hopefully remind him of the people of God who waited so long for the Messiah to come and save them.