SINSINAWA, Wis. — […]
Tag: Sinsinawa
Sinsinawa Mound further suspends programming, visits
SINSINAWA — All programming at and visits to Sinsinawa Mound, the Motherhouse for the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa, are further suspended until Monday, June 15, due to the coronavirus pandemic.
This includes visits to Sinsinawa Book & Gift Gallery and attendance at religious services.
Programs that are rescheduled can be found on the Sinsinawa Mound Center website,
Sinsinawa Bakery remains open for online ordering at and Sinsinawa Book & Gift Gallery is available for online purchases at
Sr. Rita Claire Dorner, OP, dies
Sinsinawa Sisters to livestream Holy Week services
The Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa invite the public to worship with them virtually as they pray and celebrate the Paschal Feast by livestreaming the following services:
• Palm Sunday, April 5, 11 a.m.
• Holy Thursday, April 9, 6:15 p.m.
• Good Friday, April 10, 2 p.m.
• Easter Vigil, April 11, 7 p.m.
Sinsinawa Mound closed to visitors
Sinsinawa Mound is closed to the public and all programs, events, concerts, prayer services, meetings, tours, and retreats have been canceled effective immediately through at least April 15.
Sr. Ann O’Hara, OP, dies
SINSINAWA, Wis. — Sr. Ann O’Hara, OP, died February 2, 2020, at St. Dominic Villa, Hazel Green, Wis. Her religious name was Sister Michaud. The funeral Mass was held at the Dominican Motherhouse, Sinsinawa, February 7, followed by burial in the Motherhouse Cemetery.
Sister Ann made her first religious profession as a Sinsinawa Dominican August 5, 1950, and her perpetual profession August 5, 1953. She taught for 38 years and served as a pastoral minister for 15 years. Sister Ann shared her gift of being present with people in the tender moments of life and celebrated the joyous moments with delight. She served in Minnesota, Alabama, Wisconsin, and Illinois.
Sr. Jan Brynda, OP, dies
SINSINAWA, Wis. — Sr. Jan Brynda, OP, died January 23, 2020, at Advocate Christ Medical Center, Oak Lawn, Ill. The funeral Mass was held at the Dominican Motherhouse, Sinsinawa, Jan. 31, 2020, followed by burial in the Motherhouse Cemetery.
Sister Jan made her first Religious profession as a Sinsinawa Dominican August 5, 1955, and her perpetual profession August 5, 1958. She taught for 17 years and was principal for seven years and educational supervisor, instructor, and consultant for 25 years. Sister Jan ministered as a pastoral associate for 12 years and director of adult faith formation for three years. She served in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana.
Sr. Florence Miller, OP, dies
SINSINAWA, Wis. — Sr. Florence Miller, OP, died January 13, 2020, at St. Dominic Villa, Hazel Green, Wis. Her religious name was Sister Roderic. The funeral Mass was held at the Dominican Motherhouse, Sinsinawa, January 18, followed by burial of the cremains in the Motherhouse Cemetery on January 20.
Sister Florence made her first Religious profession as a Sinsinawa Dominican August 5, 1945, and her perpetual profession August 5, 1948. She taught for 38 years and served as principal for one year, and finance director for 10 years. Sister Florence served the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa at the Motherhouse in various positions for 15 years. She served in Wisconsin, Illinois, New York, Missouri, Alabama, and Oklahoma.
Sr. Marie Janet Meis, OP dies
Sr. Marie Janet Meis, OP, died December 25, 2019, at St. Dominic Villa, Hazel Green, Wis.
Sr. Mary Montgomery, OP, dies
Sr. Mary Montgomery, OP, former superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Madison, died October 29, 2019, in Hazel Green, Wis.