Those who caught last month’s column may recall that I was on a bit of a hopeful high: Savoring my Valentine décor, embracing a reinvigorated devotion to The Little Flower, and resting in the solace of my epiphany regarding heavy crosses that are long in duration.
Tag: Shards of My Soul
A rose by any other name
The older I get, the more I become a creature of habit. Does life work any other way?
In God We Trust
Welcome to a brand-new year. We’re two weeks into it (as of this writing), and all seems to be going according to Hoyle by my metrics: Snow on the ground, ice on the side roads, a wind chill or two that has reached subzero.
My quiet strength
I’ve been working my way through one of the loveliest Advent prayer and meditation guides I’ve encountered in years: Behold, by Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT.
Thanks-living in the moment
For now, take heart that my ability to understand His plan for me, accept it even when I don’t understand it, and truly believe in His love for me continues to grow — as does my capacity to live more of my life in the moment.
In the arms of an angel
I certainly need Divine Mercy, and I pray the Rosary every day . . . but I’ve decided the ones who perhaps get very little press are the Holy Guardian Angels. I’m guessing their humility would preclude them from filing a complaint over this, but it hardly seems fair to me. These loving and hopelessly devoted spirits are on the job 24/7/365 from our conception until death; I know for a fact that mine has put in a ridiculous amount of OT in the last 63 years.
There is always a pit stop
God knows where we are on our spiritual highway, be it the slow lane, the passing lane, or still on the shoulder with a flat.
The ultimate surrender
You see, every time I approach this exercise, I ask Abba, Son, and Holy Spirit for direction; in essence, my prayer is more or less, “What do You want to say through me?”
By way of introduction . . .
“Brittle” . . . “hard” . . . allow me to throw in “fragile” . . . each has at least temporarily fit my soul like Cinderella’s slipper — depending on the crisis at hand.