The Madison Area Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service is being planned again this year.
Tag: service
Edgewood in the Community
MADISON — Edgewood High School (EHS) is built on a foundation of Catholic service to the community.
On a recent Wednesday, the entire EHS community — including students, faculty and staff, and parents — put down the books for a day of volunteering during the 20th annual Edgewood in the Community Day.
Opportunity to connect
This service day jump-starts students’ excitement for the school’s mission to serve and gives them an early opportunity to connect with work and organizations they may serve in the future.
Silver Rose prayer service in Verona
VERONA — A […]
Scholarship Shower supports St. Vincent de Paul youth program
MADISON — The Madison St. Vincent de Paul Youth Service Council (YSC) has developed a unique scholarship program — one that contributes $1,000 to further education or training for a graduating student eligible to receive free/reduced lunch. It also supports the student’s family via rent credit and grocery store gift cards.
“After participating in a poverty simulation, YSC members realized the importance of supporting the student’s family, too,” explained Gayle Westfahl, advisor of the group.
“Removing the student from the household to focus on school might mean the family does not have the student’s income to help with bills nor their assistance with caring for siblings or older relatives. If a student knows that their continuing study also supports the family a bit, he/she might be more inclined to pursue long-term educational goals.”
St. Ambrose Academy students put faith into action during fall Service Day
MADISON — St. Ambrose Academy students are developing love for Jesus both in the classroom and the chapel throughout the school year.
But, in order to embody the school motto “Christ is Everything for Us,” that love must also spill over into acts of charity toward others, bringing the love that God has for us into our regular habits and actions.
On Friday, Oct. 19, the entire student body put that principle into practice at 15 sites throughout the Diocese of Madison — from Camp Gray in Reedsburg to The Beacon in downtown Madison and Second Harvest on the east side — during the fall semester Service Day.
Service on September 8 to remember the victims of abortion
MADISON — Vigil for Life Madison will host a pro-life prayer service near Madison on Saturday, Sept. 8.
On that day, pro-life Americans will honor the memory of the more than 50 million unborn victims of abortion during the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children.
Service on September 8 to remember the victims of abortion
MADISON — Vigil for Life Madison will host a pro-life prayer service near Madison on Saturday, Sept. 8.
On that day, pro-life Americans will honor the memory of the more than 50 million unborn victims of abortion during the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children.
St. Vincent de Paul Youth Service Council raising funds for new scholarship
MADISON — Last year, the Madison St. Vincent de Paul Youth Service Council (SVdP YSC), comprised of Dane County high school students from numerous parishes, designed, funded, and awarded its very own scholarship.
This year, the group is looking to repeat its efforts.
Understanding that not every family has the resources to support post-secondary education, the $1,000 scholarship is intended to assist a student who receives free/reduced lunch and desires to continue their education following graduation.
Catholic and Lutheran bishops to hold service commemorating Reformation anniversary
MILWAUKEE — On Tuesday, Oct. 31, the Roman Catholic bishops of Wisconsin will join with the bishops of Wisconsin’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) at a service commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. The joint service will be one of reconciliation and witness, focusing on 50 years of sustained and fruitful Lutheran-Catholic dialogue.
Archbishop Jerome Listecki of Milwaukee, Bishops Robert Morlino of Madison, David Ricken of Green Bay, William Callahan of La Crosse, and Auxiliary Bishops Jeffrey Haines, James Schuerman, and Emeritus Richard Sklba, all of Milwaukee, and the Very Reverend James Tobloski, representing Bishop James Powers of Superior, will lead the service.
Lutheran-Catholic prayer service
MADISON — St. […]