The Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC) joined other pro-consumer groups to persuade legislators to reject a bill to exempt rent-to-own (RTO) businesses from key provisions of Wisconsin’s Consumer Act (WCA).
Tag: Senate
Revisions to sex education approved, awaits governor’s signature
On March 14, the State Assembly approved legislation to provide local districts more flexibility in teaching human growth and development classes. The bill also permits abstinence-based instruction.
Recall-loaded summer unlike any other
The summer of the odd-numbered year is usually quiet on the political scene. By early July the Legislature has completed its work on the state budget and goes home until autumn. Other than an occasional special election, the campaign season is more than a year away.
Bishops share resources on faithful citizenship
The Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC), the public policy voice of Wisconsin’s bishops, is distributing several resources to help Catholics reflect on their duties as faithful citizens. The state primary election will be held on September 14.
Partial-birth abortion debate reveals senator’s views
To the editor:
It was September of 1996 when one of the most discussed and dramatic exchanges took place on the floor of the U.S. Senate. The Senate was debating a ban on partial-birth abortions.
Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania asked Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin a direct question: What if there was a mistake and the baby about to be killed was fully born? What should happen to the live baby? Senator Feingold responded that it was still up to the mother and her doctor to decide.
Archbishop Listecki speaks opposing ‘window legislation’
MADISON — Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki, archbishop of Milwaukee, spoke at a public hearing held January 12 at the State Capitol against a bill that would, if passed, repeal the statute of limitations for all civil suits filed by childhood sexual abuse victims.
Senate Bill 319 and its counterpart AB-453, currently in committee in the State Assembly, would also create a window for suits previously barred by the statute of limitations. The current statute, amended in 2003, allows child sexual abuse victims 17 years past their 18th birthday to bring a case to civil court against their perpetrator or the perpetrator’s employer if the assault occurred due in part to the employer’s negligence.
Senate version of health care bill expands taxpayer funding of abortion
To the editor:
The Senate version of Obamacare, despite rhetoric to the contrary,would greatly expand the federal government’s role in abortion coverage and even direct payment for abortions at taxpayer expense.
The House version which includes the Stupak/Pitts language would negate all of the following problems in the Senate version: