The feast day of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque is celebrated on October 16. On December 27, 1673, after another day of prayer and work was finished in the convent, St. Margaret Mary was praying alone in the chapel when the Sacred Heart appeared to her. Jesus’ body was filled with light and His Heart was on fire, bleeding and crowned with thorns.
Tag: Sacred Heart
Beginning of new ministry dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
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As I begin episcopal ministry in the great Diocese of Madison, the Lord has filled my spirit with joy, enthusiasm, and gratitude.
I am particularly thankful to Msgr. Jim Bartylla for his dedicated, effective, and loving leadership of the Diocese these past seven months.
Stepping into my new role has been easy because of his hard work. I am grateful to all the diocesan staff, the priests, permanent deacons, Religious, lay leaders, and the faithful who have all welcomed me with such kindness and love. I am already feeling very much at home!
Bishop Morlino’s legacy
We honor the legacy of Bishop Morlino as we continue to pray for him and lift him to the Lord.
I am grateful for his attention to growing the priesthood, the beauty and reverence of the liturgy, and the importance of faith formation for our leaders and people.
Parishioners visit sister parish in Haiti
Recently, eight members of St. Cecilia Parish in Wisconsin Dells, led by parishioner Kelli Trumble, visited their sister parish, Sacred Heart, in Thiotte, Haiti.
Building bridges while fixing bicycles
REEDSBURG — Because of security reasons the parents of the boy pictured with this article have given permission to use his picture but only with his first name — Basheer.
The family has been in this country less than a year and they still fear that there could be separation, rejection, or forced return — just generally lots of settlement fears.
Mary has been with Mother Olga throughout her life
VERONA — “The only way I was able to get to all these places and get to where I am today is because of one mother.”
When Mother Olga — who spoke the above words — talks about her life, people listen. When the gentle soul, only 4’10” but tall in love of Jesus and love for Mary, shared her story with hundreds of people, all eyes and ears were focused on her. She got everyone’s full attention.
On Thursday, May 7, St. Christopher Parish in Verona hosted the spring St. Thérèse Lecture called “From Baghdad to Boston: A Journey under the Shadow of Our Lady.”
From Baghdad to Boston: A Journey under the Shadow of Our Lady
VERONA — Mother Olga of the Sacred Heart will speak in the Spring 2015 St. Thérèse Lecture Series on Thursday, May 7.
She will be presenting a talk entitled, “From Baghdad to Boston: A Journey under the Shadow of Our Lady.” The lecture will be given at St. Christopher Parish in Verona at 7:30 p.m.
Finding meaning in life and death
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John Green’s novel The Fault in Our Stars has proven to be wildly popular among young adults in the English speaking world, and the recently released film adaptation of the book has garnered both impressive reviews and a massive audience.
A one-time divinity school student and Christian minister, Green is not reluctant to explore the “big” questions, though he doesn’t claim to provide definitive answers. He both reflects and helps to shape the inchoate, eclectic spirituality that holds sway in the teen and 20-something set today.
School Sister of St. Francis Genevieve Krantz, dies
School Sister of St. Francis Genevieve (Jonathan) Krantz, 96, who served as a nurse’s aide, sacristan, homemaker, and caretaker for the elderly in the Milwaukee and Madison areas, died November 10, 2011, at Sacred Heart Convent, Milwaukee, Wis.