Blessed Sacrament School’s most recent service project was collecting toys, toiletries, socks, and small personal items to share with children across the world via the Operation Christmas Child program.
Tag: sacrament
Parish to host Advent mission and first class relic of St. Jude
Fr. Andy McAlpin, OP, pastor of Blessed Sacrament Parish in Madison is inviting all of the faithful to a parish mission with Fr. Michail Ford, OP, director of the Dominican Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus in Chicago.
Adults Confirmed on Pentecost Sunday
MADISON — “To be confirmed is not simply a ceremony,” said Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison said to the 26 adults who were confirmed this past Pentecost Sunday, May 23.
As the penitent, so the confessor
There is a saying in the seminary: “As the seminarian, so the priest.” While I have thought about this phrase many times during my years in formation, it has recently taken on a new light.
Madison Catholic Woman’s Club to celebrate Religious and hold donation drive
MADISON — All women of the diocese are warmly invited to join Madison Catholic Woman’s Club (MCWC) members as we celebrate our parish priests, Religious, and staff on Tuesday, March 9, at Blessed Sacrament Church, 2116 Hollister Ave., Madison.
Mark your calendars to join us in person at 11:10 a.m. to pray the Rosary followed by Mass at 11:30 a.m. with Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison presiding.
For those wishing to participate virtually, the event will be livestreamed on the Blessed Sacrament YouTube channel.
Let’s receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent
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A college student wrote in her school newspaper that sometimes she wished that she were a Catholic. She explained that if she were a Catholic, when she sinned, she could go to confession like her Catholic classmates and say, “Father, I sinned. I am sorry!”
The priest would then give her a penance. She would do the penance and feel forgiven.
She added, “But I’m not a Catholic. When I sin, I don’t confess to a priest. I confess directly to God.”
Blessed Sacrament hosting diaper drive
MADISON — The annual Blessed Sacrament Diaper Drive is scheduled for this month, and it could be the most successful drive yet.
The diaper drive has been an important part of my life for the past three years.
Each year, my mother and I co-coordinate the month-long drive in mid-January benefiting Pregnancy Helpline, which is a non-profit organization that serves Madison-area families requiring assistance with pregnancy or infant related needs.
Advent communal penance services in the Diocese of Madison
• Holy Angels […]
Priest Appointments 5-30-2020
Msgr. James Bartylla, Vicar General, announces the following priest appointments made by Most Reverend Donald J. Hying, Bishop of Madison, effective as stated below:
• Rev. Fr. Samuel Hakeem, OP, to promoter of vocations of the Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Albert the Great, Chicago, per canon 682 §2, effective July 1, 2020, from parochial vicar, Blessed Sacrament Parish, Madison.
• Rev. Fr. Ronald Kreul, OP, to parochial vicar, Blessed Sacrament Parish, Madison, per canon 545, effective July 1, 2020, after presentation of the candidate, per canon 682 §1, by Rev. Fr. James Marchionda, OP, Prior Provincial of the Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Albert the Great, to Most Reverend Donald J. Hying, Bishop of Madison, from Parochial Administrator, Saint Rita Parish, Cottage Grove, Minnesota.
Unplanned — a transforming movie
MADISON — When you hear the word “abortion”, does your mind shut down, not wanting to face discomfort, uncertainty, confusion about what is right and what is wrong?
Do you believe abortion is a woman’s right? You are not alone.
Has your life been touched by abortion . . . as the mother, father, grandparent, or relative? You are not alone.