Over a 13-month period from September 2021 to November 2023, Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison personally attended rural listening sessions in the 11 counties of the diocese.
Tag: rural life
Celebrating Rural Life
Sunday, May 15, was the feast of Sts. Isidore and his wife Maria, the patrons of farmers and rural life. They lived in Spain near Madrid in the 11th century, and worked as agricultural laborers, their lives marked by a deep Catholic faith, an intense piety, a love for the poor and for nature, as well as a strong work ethic.
More rural life listening sessions scheduled for Iowa, Dane, and Marquette Counties
Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison and Tom Nelson, diocesan rural life coordinator, invite farmers and other rural residents in Iowa, Dane, and Marquette Counties to talk about the strengths and challenges of living in rural Wisconsin.
Rural Life Mass and Listening Sessions planned
Mark your calendar for Sunday, May 15, and join Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison for a Mass and Blessing for Rural Life and the upcoming planting season throughout the Diocese of Madison.
Mass for rural life and harvest celebrated
KIELER — Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison presided at the Rural Life and Harvest Celebration on October 31, at Immaculate Conception Church in Kieler.
St. Clare of Assisi Parish hosts first Rural Life Listening Session
MONROE — The diocesan Office of Rural Life conducted its first of 11 rural listening sessions hosted by St. Clare of Assisi parish at St. Victor Church in Monroe on August 31.
Rural life is still the backbone of America, says Jim Ennis
“Rural life is still the backbone of America,” said Jim Ennis, executive director of Catholic Rural Life (CRL) and president of International Catholic Rural Association (ICRA), as he addressed a group of about 50 people at St. Joseph Parish in Dodgeville on October 1.
Facing pope’s challenge to protect creation
It doesn’t seem possible that almost a year has passed since Pope Francis issued Laudato Si’, his beautiful encyclical on care for our common home.
Released on June 18, 2015, the encyclical touched on many of the critical issues facing our world today, including the availability of fresh drinking water, the loss of biodiversity, decline in the quality of human life, the breakdown of society, and global inequality, to name a few.
Later Saturday evening Masses better for farmers
To the editor: […]
Mass, listening sessions for farming community
Bishop Robert C. Morlino blesses some farm equipment brought by a farmer from Cuba City following the Rural Life Mass at Immaculate Conception Church in Truman October 20. The bishop blessed two ponies, five tractors, and other farm equipment — including a “drive-by” blessing of a manure treatment system — outside the church. (Catholic Herald photo |
TRUMAN — People filled the pews at Immaculate Conception Church for the third annual Rural Life Mass held by the Diocese of Madison. Many also brought their farm equipment and a few animals to be blessed by Bishop Robert C. Morlino afterwards.
The Mass drew young and old from around Truman and the Diocese of Madison. Thirteen priests from throughout the diocese concelebrated the Mass on October 20.
After the Mass and blessing, the majority of the congregation gathered downstairs in the specially decorated social hall for a reception held by the Altar Society at Immaculate Conception Parish.
The parish had been cleaning and getting ready and planning since they heard about Truman hosting the event, said Irma Kliebenstein. “We wanted it to be festive, but family oriented.”