We Catholics observe October as Respect Life Month. During October, we are asked to recommit ourselves to cherish, defend, and protect those who are most vulnerable from life’s beginning to its end.
Tag: right to life
Adoption and foster care to be discussed at Sauk County Right to Life gathering
BARABOO — Adoption and foster care will be the topics addressed on Tuesday, Sept. 21, at the upcoming fall gathering of the Sauk County chapter of Wisconsin Right to Life.
Waiting for Jesus, waiting for justice: March for Life, Chicago, January 14, 2018
Susanna Herro |
Why would you take a day to learn about life issues and stand in Chicago’s Federal Plaza listening to speakers like Pat McCaskey, co-owner of the Chicago Bears? What can he tell you about valuing life? Do you feel you have heard the pro-life message and not much more can be said?
Parishioners take action to tell legislators they are pro-life
SAUK CITY — Parishioners, including students of all ages, from Divine Mercy Parish in Sauk City have started a project of writing letters to state and federal law makers to let government officials know they believe abortion is wrong.
Julie Keith, Divine Mercy’s pro-life coordinator, headed up the project last fall and began asking for letters to be written in time for the landmark Roe v. Wade 44th anniversary in January.
Let’s continue to speak for the unborn
Have you ever seen a speaker weep when giving a talk on abortion? I have.
When I taught high school religion, a pro-life doctor gave a talk to my classes. As he described the tragedy of aborted babies, he wept.
Never before or since have I seen anyone weep while talking about aborted unborn babies. His tears convinced me that he truly believed that unborn babies were human persons and aborting them destroyed human life.
Apply faith to voting
To the editor:
It is necessary that we vote according to our properly formed consciences as Catholic Christians. We have to stand up for what we believe and cannot check our Catholic faith outside the voting booth.
The right to life of every human person from conception to natural death is the primary and thus the most essential of all human rights. We should remember that the poorest of the poor is the human person in the womb that is menaced with abortion.
Defend right to life by feeding the hungry
Some people consider the “right to life” as dealing primarily with issues such as abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia. However, respect for life from womb to tomb must include caring for the needs of people throughout that spectrum.
Pope Benedict XVI reminded us of this wider pro-life view in a message he wrote for World Food Day, observed on October 16 this year. His written message was addressed to Jacques Diouf, director-general of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).