It’s a few minutes past sunset, and I’m writing this reflection from the lobby of an atrium-style hotel in Norman, Okla.
The 24th annual In the Father’s Footsteps Catholic Men’s Conference has drawn to a close.
It’s a few minutes past sunset, and I’m writing this reflection from the lobby of an atrium-style hotel in Norman, Okla.
The 24th annual In the Father’s Footsteps Catholic Men’s Conference has drawn to a close.
In response to what he called a “crisis” in the Catholic Church, Bishop Robert C. Morlino called for greater reverence in the liturgy during his homily at the annual Chrism Mass celebrated on April 11 at St. Maria Goretti Church in Madison.
Below is the full text of Bishop Robert C. Morlino’s Homily at the Chrism Mass, Tuesday, April 11, 2017:
What a wonderful day to be together, preparing to celebrate the great mysteries of our redemption and actually initiating those mysteries in our celebration on Sunday, Palm Sunday, and again tonight.
To the editor:
The article “Reception of Holy Communion in the U.S.” (Catholic Herald, May 28) quotes “the danger of a loss of reverence for the august sacrament of the altar” with the reception of Communion while standing.
Historically, kneeling has been a gesture of submission to emperors and civil authorities. The Communion postures being advocated are the very ones Diocletian, the great Roman persecutor of Christians, decreed to increase the authority of the imperial office.
This column is the bishop’s communication with the faithful of the Diocese of Madison. Any wider circulation reaches beyond the intention of the bishop. |
Dear Friends,
Please allow me to return to one of my familiar themes at this beginning of Lent. I mention often at Mass and in other contexts that all of us, especially we adults, should be mindful of the graces and gifts received at our Confirmation.
I think forgetfulness that we have been confirmed is one of the true enemies of our growth in holiness.
So many times in life we need courage, we need consolation, we need joy, we need to be freed from confusion, we need to make prudent judgments –and we forget that in the Holy Sacrament of Confirmation, we have been strengthened by the Holy Spirit, in precisely the gifts which we need to face the difficult moments in life.
How often do we fail to pray, “Lord, you gave me the gifts to face this problem, with prudence, patience, and strength when I was confirmed. Now Father, stir up these gifts. Make them real for me, so that by these gifts and by your grace you will bring me through whatever difficulties I might face.”?