Rich Braun has kept two lessons from his father in his heart. The first lesson, he said, was his father’s “sense of generosity [that] certainly carried over into my life,” and the second: Always having a large, prosperous garden.
Tag: retirement
Madison Police captain, Catholic parishioner retires
After 23 years of public service to the people of Madison, Central District Captain Mike Hanson of the Madison Police Department retired on June 5.
Event to celebrate music director’s retirement
Though Randy Gracyalny is retiring after 33 years serving as Director of Music and Liturgy at Our Lady of the Assumption (OLA) Parish, he has one last special concert planned for everyone to enjoy.
Reflections on my priestly retirement
At age 70, I felt it was time to retire. I moved to Madison for a few years where I helped out at different parishes.
Sr. Lauretana Gorman, OP, retires after life of service and pastoral ministry
After more than six decades in active Religious Life and almost a quarter century in pastoral ministry at St. John Vianney (SJV) Parish in Janesville, Sr. Lauretana Gorman, OP, has retired, and is moving on to the next chapter in her life.
Retirement Mass and reception to be held for Fr. Stephen Umhoefer
JANESVILLE — Fr. Stephen Umhoefer will be retiring effective July 11 as pastor of Nativity of Mary Parish in Janesville.
A retirement Mass will take place on Sunday, May 31, at 2 p.m. at Nativity of Mary Church, 313 E. Wall St.
Several priests will be concelebrating with him. The Diocesan Choir will also be on hand, along with the parish’s Sanctuary and Loft Choirs, to sing for the Mass.
St. Mary’s President Dr. Frank Byrne announces plans for retirement
MADISON — After 10 years of mission and values-driven service, Dr. Frank Byrne announced recently that he plans to retire from his position as president of St. Mary’s Hospital on January 30, 2015. However, he will remain a member of the board of directors of St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation.
Under Byrne’s leadership, St. Mary’s nearly doubled in size with the 2008 completion of its expansion project. St. Mary’s and Dean began their journey toward HIMSS Stage 7 status with the transition to Epic’s electronic health record system.
Bishop’s statement on Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation
As news reports have indicated, Pope Benedict XVI has announced that he will resign at the end of February. Bishop Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison, has offered the following statement in regards to this development:
With the rest of you, I woke this morning to learn of the shocking, but not altogether surprising, news that our beloved Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, is resigning his service as the successor of St. Peter, Bishop of Rome. His announcement brings me sadness personally, as he is a hero to me and a great shepherd for the Church. I first met the Holy Father as Cardinal Ratzinger in 1983.
Bless our Priests Collection
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Dear Friends in Christ,
The Year of Faith, begun in October, offers each of us a challenge to rediscover our faith and share it with others. It offers us a unique opportunity to reflect on the gift of faith we have been given and grow in that faith.
In reflecting on those who have influenced our lives in faith, most of us have our parents, grandparents, other family members, and great friends to thank. We certainly have great catechists and Catholic school teachers to thank, as well. Those of us of a certain age owe a great debt to the religious sisters who taught in our schools. But every single one of us has a number of priests to thank for the faith we have been given by God.
Sharing the sounds of bells
The Edgewood High School (EHS) Hand Bell Choirs performed for residents of All Saints Retirement Center on the afternoon of Wednesday, April 18.