Studying history gives us a sense of inevitability regarding the outcomes of particular events.
Tag: Resurrection
Finding those ‘thin places’ where God is with us
A priest I came to know well preaches often about the experiences and relationships in our lives where both the mystery and the presence of God are very apparent to us.
He calls these the “thin places” where the distance between the divine and the human is overcome, when God feels so close, we can touch Him and feel His gentle breath on our soul.
Easter brings meaning to our lives forever
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Victor Frankl, a world-famous Austrian psychiatrist, who survived a Nazi concentration camp noticed that those who survived the camp tended to have something or someone to live for!
Hence the expression, “A person with a why can live with any how!”
Christ was born to bring hope to us, to make life more meaningful in this world, and then offer us the hope of Eternity.
Resurrection: salvation and commissioning
What was the aim of the resurrection experience? The entire book of the Acts of the Apostles gives us the aim of the resurrection experience.
The resurrection invites us to leave sin and death behind
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We may be tempted to think that once Jesus had risen from the dead and sent the Holy Spirit upon the early Church, the lives of the Apostles were easy; after all, they were filled with the light and joy of knowing that the Lord had conquered sin and death; they knew that He was with them in the power of the Holy Spirit and the sacraments of the Church.
Yet, a simple reading of the Acts of the Apostles reveals that they met with immediate and violent opposition when they began to proclaim the Resurrection of Christ. Those who had conspired to kill Jesus certainly did not want Him coming back from the dead. How much easier for them if He had remained cold and lifeless in the tomb.
Proclamation of resurrection seen as subversive threat
The rising of Jesus on Easter Sunday is a clear and compelling confirmation of the truth of His identity as the Son of God and the Savior of the world. If Christ were inexplicably alive again, in a new and glorious fashion, such an astonishing fact demanded faith in Him and a devout adherence to His teachings and the truths of the holy Gospel. The proclamation of the resurrection is a subversive threat which must be silenced, in the minds of those who violently opposed the teachings of the Master during his earthly life.
Bishop to celebrate Mass at cemetery
MADISON — Bishop […]
Young people volunteer to clean cemetery
MADISON — A group of young people from St. Peter Parish in Ashton and St. Martin Parish in Martinsville recently dedicated one of their last summer Saturday mornings to honoring the faithful departed buried at Resurrection Cemetery in Madison.
The group, mostly confirmandi, met bright and early on the Saturday morning. After visiting the crypt of Bishop Robert C. Morlino and praying for him together, they proceeded to weed flower beds and trim back turf that was encroaching onto the in-ground grave markers in the cemetery’s lawn crypt area.
Easter faith reveals flowers of hope
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A boy returned from catechism class, where he learned about Jesus’ Resurrection. During his walk home, he stopped at a religious goods store to study a crucifix in the window.
An elderly man joined him. He seemed confused by the crucifix.
Bishop asks for prayers to defeat evil in world
Dear Friends,
I pray that you and yours enjoyed a very happy Thanksgiving this past week.
Further, I hope that you are able to enter into a very blessed season of Advent. Please God, it will be an excellent time of preparation for the glorious celebration of Christmas.
Last week, I sent a letter to your priests with regard to an addition to the Prayers of the Faithful and a particular prayer of heavenly intercession I am asking to be included during (at least) every Sunday Mass, at parishes within the Diocese of Madison.
Jesus’ resurrection is at the heart of our faith
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On Easter, we celebrate the feast of Jesus’ resurrection. His resurrection is the heart of our faith.
In 1 Corinthians 15:14, St. Paul teaches, “If Christ has not been raised from the dead, then our preaching is in vain and our faith empty.”
Jesus’ kingdom
Like many Jews who suffered from messiah fever, on Holy Thursday, deep down, the apostles may still have had lingering hopes that Christ was a political messiah who would conquer the hated Roman occupiers and establish his earthly kingdom.
Despite three years of on-the-job training, the apostles often failed to fully understand that Christ’s kingdom was a kingdom of justice, love, and peace and not of power and violence.