MADISON — The Society of St. Vincent de Paul-Madison will hold its 30th annual blanket drive from Friday, Jan. 28, to Sunday, Jan. 30.
Tag: Recycle the Warmth
St. Vincent de Paul holds Recycle the Warmth Blanket Drive
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Dane County is holding its 26th annual Recycle the Warmth Blanket Drive to collect thousands of donated new and gently used clean blankets and other bedding to give away to families and individuals living in low-income households.
St. Vincent de Paul ‘Recycle the Warmth’ blanket drive
Imagine another sleepless night, shivering in a cold bed without a clean, warm blanket.
Some people in the community will go to bed tonight without the basic warmth and comfort of a blanket and it will affect their ability to work, learn, and stay healthy.
‘Recycle the Warmth’ for people in need
Nothing brings comfort on a cold winter night like snuggling under a warm blanket for a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, not everyone in our community has a clean, warm blanket to call his or her own.
Recycle the Warmth
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s Recycle the Warmth blanket drive slated for January 29 to 31 will help provide warmth and comfort for local families struggling with poverty. The society is urging area residents to search closets — or use their checkbooks — to provide blankets and bedding.
Hanging by a thread
We may not always be aware of them, but they are there: people living in poverty. They are hanging on by a thread, barely making ends meet. They are often too proud to reach out for help.
‘Recycle the Warmth’ drive
With 2008 having given Madison its snowiest year on record, organizers of the annual “Recycle the Warmth” drive are hoping for an avalanche of blankets and bedding for people in need early in chilly 2009.