For the midpoint of this Lenten 40 Days for Life campaign, there will be a special vigil on Thursday, March 24, at 5:30 p.m. in front of Planned Parenthood (3706 Orin Rd., Madison) with 40 Days for Life National Director Steve Karlen.
Tag: pro-life
Pro-Life Summit in Madison on April 2
The Supreme Court of the United States has taken up a late-term abortion case in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health and will render judgment in the near future.
Roe from three angles: Law, language, and looking ahead
With so much in the news about the future of Roe v. Wade, Blessed Sacrament Parish, 2116 Hollister Avenue, Madison, will host a panel to explore how Roe came to be, the importance of language in discussing the issues, and historical connections pointing to future resolutions.
Bishop Hying keeps busy visiting parishes, schools, and sites throughout the diocese
Thirty-eighth in a series on the 75th anniversary of the Diocese of Madison.
Bishop Donald J. Hying started out his time as shepherd of the Diocese of Madison energetically with visits to parishes, diocesan schools, …
Bishop applauds parishes’ efforts to launch Walking with Moms in Need program
MADISON — Pope Francis has encouraged Catholic churches to become “islands of mercy in the midst of a sea of indifference.”
Bishop Morlino’s legacies
The Bishop O’Connor Catholic Pastoral Center (former Holy Name Seminary) in Madison was repurposed into a multi-family housing project while retaining the center for diocesan offices.
Let us respect life in all its stages
We Catholics observe October as Respect Life Month. During October, we are asked to recommit ourselves to cherish, defend, and protect those who are most vulnerable from life’s beginning to its end.
Entering Respect Life month
With the full support of our Catholic president, the Catholic Speaker of the House, and scores of Catholic representatives, the Women’s Health Protection Act was passed in the House of Representatives last week.
Saving lives praying on the sidewalk with 40 Days for Life
It was pretty clear that Mary didn’t really want to go into the Planned Parenthood abortion facility that day in June 2021. But, Mary’s sister had already dropped Mary off and sped away. What would she do now?
40 Days for Life to start on September 22
MADISON — The latest fall campaign of 40 Days for Life in Madison — 40 days of prayer, fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach to end abortion — will begin on Wednesday, Sept. 22.