We all need mothers. Obviously we wouldn’t be here if our mothers didn’t give us life. Yet, as we look forward to Mother’s Day on this Sunday, May 13, I think we need to examine what our society is doing to encourage and support mothers and mothers-to-be.
Tag: pregnancy
Training conference empowers pro-lifers to save lives
Perhaps the highlight of the day was the tearful introduction of Mareza and her baby, Joseph.
Moral decline in past 60 years: Due to legacy of Planned Parenthood, speaker charges
During the second half of the 20th century, we experienced many positive changes in our society in the United States, including greater respect for minorities and the expansion of opportunities for women, along with advances in technology, communications, and medical care.
Nickels, dimes, and family size
A few years ago, I spoke with a young man preparing to get married. His aunt told him that she thought he and his fiancée were too financially-strapped to have a child, and that it wouldn’t be fair to bring up a baby in poverty. Keenly aware of his joblessness and his minuscule bank account, he concluded she was probably right.
The young man and his fiancée were ready to tie the knot in a few months and they expected that she would be at the infertile phase of her cycle around the time of their honeymoon, so they would be able to consummate the marriage while avoiding bringing a child into the world.
They agreed they would use Natural Family Planning (NFP) after that to avoid a pregnancy. A few years later when they felt financially secure, he told me, they would have their first child.
Rachel’s Vineyard retreats
After her abortion, all Janine* felt was relief. She was unmarried and the pregnancy was unplanned and unwelcome. Janine didn’t want to let her family down, and, after all, wasn’t it just a mass of cells?
New crisis pregnancy center aims to save babies, empower moms
Comfortable chairs, bins of children’s books, and beautiful pictures of women and children — these are some of the things that greet visitors at the new Women’s Care Center-Madison (WCCM) located at 3711 Orin Rd. on Madison’s east side.
It’s a child, not a choice: Ultrasounds have powerful impact on pregnant women
In October we celebrate Respect Life Month. This is a special opportunity for Catholics to reflect on issues involving respect for all life from womb to tomb.
During October, I will focus on various life issues in the “Editor’s View,” starting at the beginning of life. I also encourage people to read the special Respect Life section and other articles in this week’s print edition and online edition of the Catholic Herald.
Life begins at conception
Human life begins at conception. The union of the egg and sperm includes all the genetic material needed for the baby to grow and develop.
Contraception mandate: endangers religious liberty, women’s health
In implementing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) now requires almost all private health plans to cover contraception and sterilization as “preventive services” for women.
40 Days for Life begins anew in Madison
The peaceful pro-life prayer vigil 40 Days for Life will begin anew in Madison on Wednesday, Sept. 28, and run through Sunday, Nov. 6, on the sidewalk in front of the Planned Parenthood building on Orin Rd. on Madison’s east side.
The courage to refuse to cooperate in evil
An electrician by trade, Tim Roach is married with two children and lives about an hour outside Minneapolis. He was laid off his job in July 2009.
After looking for work for more than a year and a half, he got a call from his local union in February 2011 with the news anyone who is unemployed longs for, not just a job offer, but one with responsibility and a good salary of almost $70,000 a year.
He ultimately turned the offer down, however, because he discovered that he was being asked to oversee the electrical work at a new Planned Parenthood facility under construction in St. Paul on University Ave. Aware that abortions would be performed there, he knew his work would involve him in “cooperation with evil,” and he courageously declined the offer.