Following the overturn of Roe v. Wade, how can we protect women and children in life-threatening pregnancies?
Tag: pregnancy
How the Rosary helped me get pregnant
The year we got married was not an easy year. We were newly married during the recession, having decided to move forward with the wedding despite . . . well, everything.
Kansas style pulled pork sale for the Kelsey and Derek Townsend Family
ASHTON/CROSS PLAINS — Last fall, Kelsey (McCarthy) Townsend contracted COVID late in pregnancy.
Her baby Lucy was delivered prematurely at 39 weeks while Kelsey was in an induced coma and on a ventilator.
Kelsey remained in the hospital on a ventilator and under a prognosis that included lung transplant before she could return home to a normal life.
Madison Catholic Woman’s Club to celebrate Religious and hold donation drive
MADISON — All women of the diocese are warmly invited to join Madison Catholic Woman’s Club (MCWC) members as we celebrate our parish priests, Religious, and staff on Tuesday, March 9, at Blessed Sacrament Church, 2116 Hollister Ave., Madison.
Mark your calendars to join us in person at 11:10 a.m. to pray the Rosary followed by Mass at 11:30 a.m. with Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison presiding.
For those wishing to participate virtually, the event will be livestreamed on the Blessed Sacrament YouTube channel.
We’re called to build civilization of love and life
We congratulate and rejoice with Deacons Timothy Mergen and Enan Zelinski, who were ordained last week in St. Peter’s Basilica and will be ordained priests here next June for the Diocese of Madison.
These men, so representative of all our seminarians, are prayerful, holy, committed, and zealous in living out the Gospel of Christ and shepherding His holy people. Our prayers and gratitude go to these inspiring servants of the Lord, as well as to their parents, families, and friends.
Continue to make voices heard for unborn babies
To the editor:
Thanks to the Catholic Herald team for your outstanding coverage of the annual pro-life marches in Madison, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. Our family was pleased to join hundreds of others from the diocese in participating in these important events, providing a countercultural voice on behalf of the most defenseless in our society. Special thanks to Diocese of Madison for their leadership in making our local march a success!
Care Net’s new mobile clinic to bring services directly to women
Imagine this: You’re a young woman who thinks you might be pregnant. You’re scared and alone and not sure where to turn for help.
And then you see it, right in your neighborhood: a mobile medical clinic that offers free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds.
Pregnancy Helpline names new executive director
MADISON — At the annual Comedy Night Benefit this spring, the Pregnancy Helpline made an exciting announcement. They introduced their new Executive Director, Stephanie Ehle, to their crowd of supporters.
Stephanie Ehle, MS, CWP and owner of a local wellness company, steps into this new role as the previous director, Alissa Hirscher, hands over the reins after nearly six years of service.
New executive director
Ehle is excited to take on the challenge of leading the Helpline through its next chapter. She has a background in health and wellness, and is a parishioner at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Monona, in addition to being a mom of two young children. She has worked for a large healthcare company, as well as started her own business.
March for Life returns to Madison
Rain or shine, life is precious and a gift from God.
More than 500 people were probably reflecting on that as they marched from St. Patrick Church in Madison to the State Capitol on January 22 — the 45th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion at all stages of pregnancy in all 50 states.
Pregnancy Helpline to hold DiaperDash 5K Run/Walk
MADISON — Pregnancy Helpline is holding its third annual DiaperDash, a 5K Run/Walk, on Saturday, Sept. 23, to raise funds and awareness for diapers in Madison.
“One in three American families struggle with diaper need and it’s a reality in our community. We have mothers asking every week for help with diapers,” said Alissa Hirscher, Pregnancy Helpline executive director.