MCFARLAND — In November 2017, Christ the King Parish in McFarland and St. Benedict Parish in Ilungu, Tanzania, formally became “sister parishes” under the direction of Fr. D. Stephen Smith.
Tag: pandemic
St. Vincent de Pauls Recycle the Warmth drive is ‘pandemic style’ this year
MADISON — “Need help with clothing and blankets. We lost everything since we were homeless for six months.”
Pleas like this are the reason the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will conduct its 29th annual Recycle the Warmth Blanket Drive the weekend of January 29 to 31.
“This important annual drive allows St. Vincent de Paul to collect blankets and other bedding to be given to Dane County residents in need throughout the coming year,” said Ernie Stetenfeld, executive director and CEO.
COVID-19 vaccines: Moral evaluation
Although there are many factors to consider, the main concern of the Church with any vaccine is that it is developed, tested, and produced in such a manner that is morally licit.
Connection between souls amidst a tattered world
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All masked up, my family and I sat 12 feet away from my elderly parents outside their apartment. Sitting side by side, my parents looked out at us from behind the screened porch.
They clasped hands, as always, embracing the odd state of the world — not knowing what the future would hold — but content to be facing it together, just as they had faced all things in their 63 years of married life.
Reducing stress can help us survive the pandemic
Stress seems a unique modern problem; but, it is not. In Mark 6:31, Jesus said to the apostles,”Come away to a deserted place by yourselves and rest a while. For many were coming and going in such great numbers that it was impossible for Jesus and his apostles to even eat.”
Smiling behind your mask
There is great irony in the twists and turns of our journey through COVID-19.
In fall, students will return to Catholic schools
Looking back at my life, other than some great teachers, my time in elementary school wasn’t that memorable. Like anything, it had its moments but as a whole, it was pretty ordinary.
Seeking detachment from the way things were
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My daughter’s yearbook arrived the other day.
Brimming with colorful photos of smiling students and teachers at various gatherings, it filled me with not only the nostalgia that always accompanies the end of the school year but with a yearning for the way things used to be, before masks and social distancing.
Men interact with families
To the editor:
During the pandemic, so many men have been staying home. I have seen a lot of them interacting with their family members.
Love Begins Here adjusts to pandemic
MADISON — Eleven years ago, Love Begins Here (LBH) launched in the Diocese of Madison with week long, local mission trips for teens in middle school and high school.