Tag: music
Reflections on the Holy Mass DVD series available
MADISON — As of January 14, Abbot Marcel Rooney, OSB, was thrilled to receive the first shipment of his DVD series called “Reflections on Holy Mass.”
The Orate Institute of Sacred Liturgy, Music, and Art, under the direction of Abbot Rooney, has prepared 40 reflections on the Mass that appear on eight DVDs.
World Mission Sunday 2011: Celebrating, sharing faith joyfully in Kenya
The settings couldn’t be more different. One, Mukuru, a slum in the Kenyan capital city of Nairobi, home to some 10,000 living in wood and corrugated metal shacks, crowded together, with no running water, electricity, or sewage systems.
New musical settings may begin in September
The diocesan Office of Worship, with the approval of Bishop Robert C. Morlino, has announced that parishes in the Diocese of Madison who wish to ease implementation of the new texts for the people may begin introducing the musical portions of the people’s parts of the Mass earlier than the general implementation date.
Sister Mary Niemeyer, OP (Irenaea), dies
Sister Mary Niemeyer, OP (Irenaea), died May 11, 2011, at St. Dominic Villa, Hazel Green, Wis.
Sister Frances Cogan, OP, dies
Sister Frances Cogan, OP (Louis Mary), died April 7, 2011, at St. Dominic Villa, Hazel Green.
Living in a changing world
I grew up with clear notions of what kind of “old lady” I wanted to be.
I would have a pleasant relationship with my grandchildren and not always be criticizing them for wearing nail polish. I wouldn’t complain all the time about my arthritis and ulcers and tell them they didn’t need all that education because they “were just going to get married anyway.” I would keep up with the times.
Workshops on music and new Roman Missal
The Office of Worship of the Diocese of Madison is sponsoring workshops for clergy and parish music and liturgy leaders entitled “Music and the New Roman Missal.”
Choir to host ‘Lessons and Carols’
MADISON — People are invited to join the Madison Diocesan Choir, directed by Dr. Patrick Gorman, for its performance of “Lessons and Carols” for one night only, on Sunday, Dec. 19, at 4 p.m., at the Bishop O’Connor Center.
Bishop Robert C. Morlino will preside. The performance is free, but a collection of non-perishable food items will be taken.
October is a time of prayer
Dear Friends,
As we begin the month of October, we recall first of all that this is Our Lady’s month — specifically the month of the Most Holy Rosary.