This year, five of us priests were honored for serving 50 years in the priesthood. Barring a cancellation because of the coronavirus, we will be honored again at the Priests Assembly.
Tag: ministry
Resurrection: salvation and commissioning
What was the aim of the resurrection experience? The entire book of the Acts of the Apostles gives us the aim of the resurrection experience.
Drive-Thru Food Drive on May 17
Many people are asking for ways to help as COVID-19 continues to affect the community on a daily basis. Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish’s Social Action & Community Enrichment Board teamed up with the St. Vincent de Paul conference to find a creative way to help neighbors in need.
Zoom Ministry: caring for our youth online
MADISON — “Hey, J. Gregory!” said a teen over the video conferencing platform Zoom. “Don’t you own a pair of scissors?”
Jaymes Gregory Curran, the youth director of Blessed Sacrament Parish in Madison, certainly wouldn’t have envisioned sitting in his parish’s empty youth room talking over Zoom a few months ago.
“I’d heard of Zoom before the pandemic hit,” he said. “But I have never been a fan of FaceTime, Skype, or other similar apps.”
New chapter of EnCourage forming in Diocese of Madison
MADISON — In order to provide more help and support for the friends and family members of those who experience same-sex attractions, the Diocese of Madison has recently established a local chapter of EnCourage, which is a ministry within the Courage Apostolate.
What are Courage and EnCourage?
Courage is a Catholic apostolate that provides pastoral support for those who experience same-sex attraction, through spiritual guidance, community prayer support, and Christian fellowship.
St. Peter Parish in Ashton participates in Box of Joy program
ASHTON — St. Peter Parish is again participating in the Box of Joy program.
This is an annual Christmas gift ministry organized by local Catholic schools, parishes, and groups across the United States and facilitated by Cross Catholic Outreach.
Spreading Christmas joy
Box of Joy provides teachers, parish leaders, and other Catholic groups a unique opportunity for students, parishioners, and group members to participate in a simple and tangible service experience that has both a material and spiritual impact on the poorest of the poor in developing countries.
Dismas Ministry carries out Works of Mercy
BELOIT — A connection with people, stressing God’s goodness and love, often can help incarcerated persons on their journey back to a lawful, productive life.
Pope Francis has often invited Catholics to carry out the Works of Mercy, and in particular, to visit the imprisoned.
Diocesan V Encuentro to be held on March 11
MADISON — Since 1972, the Catholic bishhops in the United States have held an Encuentro every five to eight years to give Hispanic/Latino Catholics an opportunity to express their needs, aspirations, and contributions to the Church.
In 2018, the fifth Encuentro — V Encuentro — is being held throughout the country. Its theme is “Missionary Disciples: Witnesses of God’s Love.” The main goal of the V Encuentro is to discern ways in which the Church in the United States can better respond to the Hispanic/Latino presence, and to strengthen the ways in which Hispanics/Latinos respond to the call to the New Evangelization as missionary disciples serving the entire Church.
Information Session introduces disability ministry in diocese
MADISON — The Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities-Diocese of Madison is holding an Information Session to introduce disability ministry in the Diocese of Madison and two initiatives starting this year for parishes.
The Information Session will be held on Saturday, Oct. 21, from 9 to 10 a.m. at Holy Name Heights-Ground South East(GSE) Room, 702 S. High Point Rd.
St. Patrick’s Catholic School in Janesville introduces variety of educational options
JANESVILLE — St. Patrick Parish, Janesville’s oldest Catholic parish, is hosting open houses in August to introduce the wide variety of educational options open to area parents, including a new homeschool ministry.
Located at 305 Lincoln St. in Janesville, the parish school will offer tours and information about available programs to area families after all weekend Masses the weekend of August 5 to 6.