MADISON — The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis (OEC) exists to aid the bishop in fulfilling his mission of proclaiming and teaching the Good News of Jesus Christ with an overarching goal to have everyone in the diocese hear every day a loving and gentle invitation to meet Jesus Christ, risen from the dead in a life-changing way.
Tag: ministries
Power of prayer and healing ministry
JANESVILLE — St. William Parish in Janesville welcomed Fr. Patrick Gonyeau from Encounter Ministries (EM), and also a priest in the Archdiocese of Detroit, on February 7 to 8 to provide knowledge and information on the power of prayer and the healing ministry.
Ninety-three people attended the training portion of the weekend. Following the Saturday 4 p.m. Mass, a healing service was held with an additional 180 people in attendance.
Participants were from Janesville parishes, other Wisconsin parishes, and parishes in Rockford and other parts of Illinois.
Encounter Ministries’ School of Healing to be held at St. William Parish in Janesville
JANESVILLE — The Encounter Ministries’ School of Healing will be held at St. William Parish, 456 N. Arch St., Janesville.
Jesus said, “If you believe in me, you will do the works that I do, and greater things because I’m going to the Father” (Jn 14:12).
Encounter Ministries exists to train and disciple Catholics to demonstrate the power and love of God in their sphere of influence through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Thanks for support of 2019 Annual Catholic Appeal
As we approach Thanksgiving and the Advent season, it is a perfect time to give thanks to all of those who supported the 2019 Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA).
Answering the call to the New Evangelization
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Deacon Ralph Poyo |
MADISON — Beginning on November 1, the Diocese of Madison will be a hosting Deacon Ralph Poyo of New Evangelization Ministries for several events at local parishes.
Deacon Poyo will be inspiring and guiding us in our own journey of conversion but also helping us to assist others to encounter Jesus and our Catholic faith with new ardor, new methods and expression.
Our history of evangelization
and the New Evangelization
It may be unclear whether we as Catholics truly understand the meaning of the term evangelization. But it is certain that we all agree that the earliest followers of Christ were called to go out to spread the Good News of Jesus. That was in fact the first call to evangelize the world. Jesus taught his followers to be evangelizers.
But we do not live in biblical times and our recent Holy Fathers have recognized a need to reteach and engage the world with a re-proposing of the Gospel Message.
Shortly after Vatican II, Blessed Paul VI promulgated a post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation entitled, Evangelization in the Modern World. This document gave the Church the foundation and principles of evangelization that informs our current understanding.
St. John Paul II continued this work and coined the phrase “The New Evangelization.” He began to define what that phrase means and a vision for this New Evangelization.
Parish offers creation care class
MADISON — Blessed Sacrament Parish will host the Just Faith Ministries’ module, “God’s Creation Cries for Justice,” which probes a faithful response to climate change.
In this eight-week class, participants will examine climate change through the lens of Catholic social teaching — reflecting on their place in and responsibility for God’s creation. With a particular focus on the impact of climate change on the poor and vulnerable, the group will explore what action steps they can take to insure a sustainable future for all.
Reflections on the Holy Mass DVD series available
MADISON — As of January 14, Abbot Marcel Rooney, OSB, was thrilled to receive the first shipment of his DVD series called “Reflections on Holy Mass.”
The Orate Institute of Sacred Liturgy, Music, and Art, under the direction of Abbot Rooney, has prepared 40 reflections on the Mass that appear on eight DVDs.