MADISON — The Office of Worship of the Diocese of Madison is holding Workshops for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
Attendance at one of the diocesan workshops is required for all ministers. The schedule of upcoming workshops includes:
MADISON — The Office of Worship of the Diocese of Madison is holding Workshops for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
Attendance at one of the diocesan workshops is required for all ministers. The schedule of upcoming workshops includes:
To the editor:
Eucharistic ministers can help to save souls by bringing Communion to nursing homes. Most Catholics think that evangelization means “bringing people to Jesus,” but in a real sense, it includes “bringing the body of Jesus to people.”
This form of evangelization is becoming more important because we have an aging population, with nursing homes becoming a growing part of many communities.
MADISON — The Diocese of Madison’s Office of Worship is offering a number of workshops.
“Praying the Mass” is a series which will explore the Mass with Abbot Marcel Rooney, OSB, former abbot primate of the Benedictine Order and an advisor to popes. Abbot Rooney will discuss some history of the Mass and reflect upon how we can pray the Mass rather than simply pray at Mass.
People are invited to attend one session or all five.
WATERTOWN — St. Henry Parish, 300 E. Cady St., Watertown, is hosting a day of prayer and formation for all lectors, musicians, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, catechists, greeters, altar servers, ushers, and art and environment committees on Saturday, March 1, from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Abbot Marcel Rooney, OSB, will be the keynote speaker. Abbot Rooney is a dynamic speaker who has consulted on the liturgy with Blessed John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
MADISON — Pastoral ministers who are part of a parish staff may have any number and variety of responsibilities.
Many of us coordinate outreach to the homebound, visits to people in care facilities, and ministry to the bereaved.
Others are deacons, liturgists, pastoral musicians, social justice coordinators, directors of communications, or have adult faith formation responsibilities.
During January, most dioceses in the United States celebrate National Vocation Awareness Week.
This is a good time to think about vocations and who has one. Who do you think has a vocation? If you answered that everyone has a vocation, you get an A.
So often we hear people limiting the term “vocation” to the priesthood and religious life. I hear many people, especially parents with children in Catholic schools, complain that we just don’t have enough vocations, but in truth we each received a vocation when we were baptized.