For the past few years, since the COVID-19 pandemic, the Diocese of Madison has partnered with the Franciscan University Catechetical Institute to offer our Catholic school teachers and parish leaders online coursework that they can access to continue in formation of the faith.
Tag: Michelle Nilsson
Nuestro Padre Misericordioso
No importa cuán “reluciente” luzca alguien por fuera, todos estamos quebrantados y heridos por dentro.
Dios anhela la transformación de nuestros corazones, no de nuestras apariencias externas (1 Samuel 16:7).
Our merciful Father
In Baptism, we were washed of our sins and became children of the Father. And from that adoption flows our life of discipleship. This is our true identity.
Renovando nuestro llamado a: Vayan y Hagan Discípulos
Al igual que el año escolar para nuestros hijos, también renovamos nuestros compromisos con la misión de la Iglesia cada año. Es el momento de comenzar nuevamente la catequesis y volver a reunirnos en nuestros estudios bíblicos y grupos pequeños. En el centro de todo lo que hacemos en la Iglesia está nuestra misión de evangelización: Vayan y Hagan Discípulos.
Recommitting to our call to Go Make Disciples
Let’s not let this time of recommitment to the mission of evangelization and a life of the Holy Habits pass us by this fall.
Rather, let us answer the universal call to holiness and to Go Make Disciples.
Day of Equipping for Missionary Disciples on September 28
The Day of Equipping is a retreat/formation day for GMD teams and individuals in the diocese to grow in greater understanding of our Baptismal call and to equip us with the skills necessary to take the Gospel message to the world.
Preparing for Totus Tuus: Summer evangelization for children and families
In our diocesan efforts, our mission is to inspire in young people a longing for holiness, a deep desire for conversion of heart, and openness to their vocations by constantly challenging them to grow in relationship with Jesus and Mary.
Continuing the Eucharistic Revival in our diocese
For all intents and purposes, the Diocesan Eucharistic Congress looked like a resounding success. But we cannot think of the congress as the goal or culmination of our efforts for the National Eucharistic Revival in our diocese. The congress was just the beginning of our local efforts for the National Eucharistic Revival.
Metanoia retreats: A time to focus on transformation of minds and hearts
So much change has happened in our diocese in the past three years.
St. Thérèse Lecture Series features Melissa Ohden
The Diocese of Madison welcomes Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor and pro-life speaker, on Thursday, May 16, at Holy Name Heights at 7:30 p.m. All are invited to attend.