To the editor:
In recent days, there have been confusing messages coming in various ways from the University of Wisconsin (UW) regarding its late-term abortion plans.
Much has been made of the location of the killing center.
To the editor:
In recent days, there have been confusing messages coming in various ways from the University of Wisconsin (UW) regarding its late-term abortion plans.
Much has been made of the location of the killing center.
Despite news that the plans were dropped for the Madison Surgery Center (MSC) to begin offering late-term abortions, questions remain after a statement from UW Health was released May 5.
Pro-life groups are claiming victory following the announcement that plans have been dropped to perform abortions at the Madison Surgery Center (MSC).
To the editor:
I commend the organizations sponsoring the “Boycott Hospitals that Allow Abortions” ad in the Wisconsin State Journal. Although I believe limitations exist in a person’s ability to change the provider of their health insurance, the ad brings clear attention to the issue of the unlimited availability of abortions regardless of where the mother is in her pregnancy.