I just finished reading two books that I would encourage anyone interested in “modern” evangelization and catechesis to read.
Tag: media
We don’t need social media
Quote me: Social media is making this world a worse place and bringing out the worst in us.
Follow Bishop Hying on social media
MADISON — In late June, Bishop Hying waded back into the Twitterverse, and started tweeting brief personal messages and reflections for the first time since coming to Madison last year.
His messages are clearly designed to inspire and invite us all into closer relationship with Christ, and therefore with one another.
So, here in print, and online, is your invitation to “follow” Bishop Hying on social media (@bishophying on both Twitter and Facebook) and invite your friends, children, and grandchildren to do the same.
Catholic Herald wins press awards
GREEN BAY — The Catholic Herald-Diocese of Madison won three awards in the 2018 Catholic Press Awards announced June 15 at the annual Catholic Media Conference held in Green Bay.
This year, the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada established an Excellence Awards division. In the Newspaper of the Year category, the Catholic Herald-Diocese of Madison received an Honorable Mention, putting it among the top five papers in its circulation category.
Pride, humility, and social media
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On a recent trip to Sacramento, from my home base in the LA area, I flew Southwest Airlines. In an idle moment, I reached for the magazine in the seatback pocket and commenced to leaf through it.
I came across an article by a woman named Sarah Menkedick entitled “Unfiltered: How Motherhood Interrupted My Relationship with Social Media.” The piece was not only wittily and engagingly written; it also spoke to some pretty profound truths about our cultural situation today and the generation that has come of age under the influence of the Internet.
She argues that to have swum in the sea of Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube from the time that one was a child was to live one’s life perpetually in front of an audience. Most millenials never simply had experiences; they were conditioned to record, preserve, and present those experiences to a following who were invited to like what they saw, to comment on it, to respond to it.
Keeping elders socially connected is a Work of Mercy
During a recent family reunion, my elderly mother and I were the only ones at the table without smartphones. We felt left out.
A few days later I read that Pope Francis advised parents to ban mobile devices from the dinner table to help restore the quality of family relationships.
These two occurrences reminded me of the life of our foundress, St. Jeanne Jugan.
Catholic Herald wins national awards
ST. LOUIS, Mo. — The Catholic Herald-Diocese of Madison won four awards in the annual Catholic Press Association Press Awards competition announced at the annual Catholic Media Conference held recently in St. Louis.
The awards included:
• General Excellence — Judges commented, “Solid paper with well-written stories. News in this paper comes from a far-flung array of parishes, parochial schools, and communities distant from the chancery. Smoothly written and edited articles provide an interesting perspective on Catholic life and activities across a broad geographical area.”
An extraordinary synod, indeed
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According to Vatican-speak, a specially scheduled session of the Synod of Bishops is an “Extraordinary Synod,” meaning Not-an-Ordinary Synod, held every three years or so.
In the case of the recently-completed Extraordinary Synod of 2014, extraordinary things did happen, in the “Oh, wow!” sense of the word. And if this year’s Extraordinary Synod was a preview of the synod for which it was to set the agenda, i.e., the Ordinary Synod of 2015, that synod, too, promises to be, well, extraordinary.
How was the Extraordinary Synod of 2014 extraordinary? With apologies to the Bard, let me count the ways:
St. Paul’s celebrates Masses for Facebook followers
MADISON — On Monday, July 21, the St. Paul University Catholic Center Facebook page was sitting with a strong following of 900 followers.
After the page’s administrator had a short conversation with Fr. Mark Miller — the recently arrived new director of student ministries at St. Paul’s — the following was posted on the page:
“If we reach 1,000 Facebook page ‘likes’ by the end of the week, Fr. Mark will say a Mass for just our Facebook followers:) Please click on our page and on the left hand side, click to invite your friends to like our page!”
Catholic Herald wins awards
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The Catholic Herald-Diocese of Madison won three awards in the 2014 Catholic Press Awards competition sponsored by the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada.
The awards were announced during the Catholic Media Conference held in Charlotte, N.C., June 17 to 20.