Tag: meal
St. Vincent de Paul volunteer opportunities for young adults
MADISON — The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is offering the Madison Catholic young adult community opportunities to grow in faith and meet others through service.
Help in the Lacy Garden
All young adults are invited to help plant, weed, harvest, and dig in the Lacy Garden from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Monday evenings.
The garden, at 5897 Whalen Rd. in Fitchburg, provides more than 20,000 pounds of fresh produce for the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry each year.
Student ‘buddies’ participate in traditional Seder service at St. John the Baptist School in Jefferson
Classes at St. John the Baptist Catholic School in Jefferson often participate in “buddy” activities with one another.
Sharing our blessings at Thanksgiving
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Thanksgiving is a day when we gather with family and friends to share a meal, reconnect as family, and thank God for our cornucopias of blessings.
The roots of Thanksgiving Day began with the pilgrims. Despite a long, hard winter during which half of them died from scurvy and exposure to the elements, the pilgrims were so thankful some of them survived that they invited their Indian friends to share a three day feast of thanksgiving.
H.U. Westermayer wrote that the pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts during that first hard year, yet they set aside a day to thank God through prayer and through sharing their blessings with Indian friends.
Hundreds pack meals to ‘feed my sheep’
MADISON — “You are the Gospel today.”
Those were the words of Msgr. Ken Fiedler during his homily at a Mass attended by dozens of volunteers, some of whom had put in an eight-hour day.
For the fourth year in a row, the Catholic Multicultural Center in Madison was busy with people of all ages packing meals for the hungry in the area and around the world.
Winter market and brunch
MADISON — Connect with local farmers and stock up your winter pantry at the Winter Market & Meals for Hope on Sunday, Feb. 1, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Blessed Sacrament Church, 2121 Rowley Ave. in Madison.
This family-friendly market showcases the growing number of area farmers championing sustainable and organic agriculture and connecting the community with locally grown food.
Thanksgiving Day community meal
MADISON — First United Methodist Church (FUMC) will sponsor a holiday meal on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 28, at 203 Wisconsin Ave., from 12 noon to 2 p.m. for those who are not be able to partake in a holiday meal. The meal is free and no reservation is required.
Donations are needed. Contact Karen Andro at 608-256-4646, ext. 16, or by email at to make a monetary contribution or donate a needed food item. To volunteer, contact Andro by Monday, Nov. 25.
Daughter is concerned about mom’s diet
Q I am concerned about my mother who is in her late 70s. She lives alone and is quite independent. She recently started having some health problems related to high blood pressure, swelling, and fatigue.
The doctor placed her on some medication and is closely monitoring her for which I am thankful. Since I live in a different county, I am not able to be there as often as I would like but we talk frequently and she assures me that she is following the doctor’s advice.
My concern is related to her diet. She insists on eating the same foods every day, which consists of TV dinners, soup, and sandwiches.
I would like her to eat more nutritious foods that are lower in salt but since I am not there to help her prepare them, I don’t think I can be too critical of her intake.
Are there any healthier options or support for people in these situations? I know she will not want to make a big meal since she lives alone. (From a daughter in Kenosha)
How we eat is as important as what we eat
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The season of celebrating the Nativity of Jesus Christ is complete with abundant opportunities for eating, many from long-held family traditions and others might just be questionable habits we have picked up in our daily struggle to make ends meet and jam another activity into our already over-scheduled daily routines.
What if the old maxim “You are what you eat” also included “You are how you eat”?
A fast-food culture
For instance, when was the last time I ate by myself from a fast-food drive-up window?
St. Luke, Plain, students help shut-ins
PLAIN — Five years ago, St. Luke Parish catechists Vicki and Chuck Fenske challenged their freshmen students to watch the movie, The Passion of The Christ.