MADISON — Bishop […]
Tag: Mass
Father Mazzuchelli inspires us today
This month, I will be offering a special Mass at St. Patrick Parish in Benton followed by a blessing of the newly-renovated rectory which will serve as a museum to Venerable Samuel Mazzuchelli, who is buried in the parish cemetery.
Bishop will celebrate Mazzuchelli Memorial Mass
BENTON — The annual Fr. Samuel Mazzuchelli Memorial Mass and dinner will be held on Sunday, Aug. 25, at 3 p.m. at St. Patrick Church, Benton. Bishop Donald J. Hying along with area priests will concelebrate the Mass.
The public is invited to attend the day’s events, sponsored by the Father Mazzuchelli Assembly 202 Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus of Lancaster.
50th anniversary outdoor Mass at St. James, Vermont
VERMONT — The […]
How do you like them apples!
Msgr. James Bartylla gave the following homily at the White Mass held on May 19 at St. Maria Goretti Church in Madison.
Annual Blue Mass offers prayers for law enforcement, firefighters, and emergency workers
That is the word to describe the annual Blue Mass celebrated at St. Bernard Church in Madison on May 9.
Memorial Day Masses in Diocese of Madison
Memorial Day Masses will be held in the Diocese of Madison. Besides the Masses indicated here, check with local parishes for Masses being celebrated on Monday, May 27.
In Madison, Catholic Cemeteries of the Diocese of Madison will hold a Memorial Day Mass at Holy Name Heights, 702 S. High Point Rd., in the Bishop O’Donnell Holy Name Memorial Chapel.
Mass to be celebrated on May 5 at historic St. Philip Church in Highland
In honor of the Feast of St. Philip, Fr. Jim Murphy has scheduled a Mass on Sunday, May 5, at 1 p.m. at St. Philip Church in Highland.
Law enforcement, fire personnel invited to Blue Mass on May 9
MADISON — In thanksgiving for their faithful service, Fr. Michael Radowicz, pastor, and the parishioners of St. Bernard Parish and the Knights of Columbus invite all law enforcement and fire/EMS personnel to the third annual Blue Mass to be held on Thursday, May 9, at 6:30 p.m. at St. Bernard Church, 2450 Atwood Ave., Madison.
Knights of Columbus involved include Council 9082 of St. Bernard Parish and the Bishop William P. O’Connor 4th Degree Assembly.
Participating in the Mass again this year are Madison Police Chief Mike Koval, Dane County Sheriff David Mahoney, University of Wisconsin Police Chief Kristen Roman, and City of Madison Assistant Fire Chief Michael Popovich.
Mass commemorates death of Venerable Samuel Mazzuchelli, OP
The annual Mass to commemorate the death of Venerable Samuel Mazzuchelli, OP, will be held at St. Patrick Church, Benton, at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 24.