After almost two years of preparation, parishes in the Diocese of Madison are ready for the launch of the new Roman Missal on the first Sunday of Advent, Nov. 27.
Tag: Mary C. Uhler
Mark Miller is ordained to transitional diaconate
On October 6, Mark Miller of the Diocese of Madison was one of 35 seminarians of the Pontifical North American College (PNAC) ordained to the transitional diaconate during a Mass at the Altar of the Chair in the Papal Basilica of St. Peter at the Vatican.
Living the corporal works of mercy: Let’s be our brother’s and sister’s keepers
Respect for all human life certainly begins with the unborn baby, but it should continue by respecting human life at all its stages.
Mark Miller looks forward to ordination as deacon
Mark Miller is looking forward to being ordained to the transitional diaconate on October 6 in Rome.
God calls: And more are answering in our diocese
God continues to call people to serve the Church as priests, deacons, and members of religious orders. In recent years, it seems as if more people are answering God’s call in the Diocese of Madison.
Holy Redeemer Parish marks 150 years
As I drove through the rolling hills, passing by neat fields of corn waving gently in the breeze and cows resting in the fields, I could envision the early settlers of the Perry area as they arrived in the 1800s.
Two priests ordained for Madison Diocese
After attending the Beatification of Blessed John Paul II in Rome where he is doing graduate studies, Fr. Greg Ihm (ordained a priest for the Diocese of Madison last year) e-mailed Bishop Robert C. Morlino.
Mothers play key role: In their children’s response to a Church vocation
Mothers observe their children from an early age. They watch how they grow and develop, seeing what gifts and talents each child possesses.
Fr. Thomas Marr sentenced, must pay restitution
On February 22, Jefferson County Circuit Judge Jacqueline Erwin sentenced Fr. Thomas Marr, 66, former pastor of St. Bernard Parish in Watertown, to nine months in a county jail as a condition of a seven-year probationary period. The sentencing followed a no-contest plea and guilty verdict.
It is possible to change minds and hearts on abortion
A young woman walked through the first set of doors at Madison’s Planned Parenthood clinic to register. However, she kept looking back at a person praying on the sidewalk outside the building.