Tag: Madison
Former seminary could be transformed into housing community
The Bishop O’Connor Catholic Pastoral Center, formerly Holy Name Seminary, may be transformed into a multi-family housing community. (Catholic Herald photo/Kat Wagner) |
MADISON — A Madison icon, the former Holy Name Seminary, a neo-colonial revival landmark that welcomed its first students in 1964 and has served as the Bishop O’Connor Catholic Pastoral Center (BOC) since the seminary was closed in 1995, may be transformed into a multi-family housing community, officials at the Diocese of Madison announced September 25.
The diocese signed a letter of intent with Gorman & Company to enter exclusive negotiations for a development contract and 60-year lease agreement to renovate the building as a “certified historic rehabilitation” in compliance with historic preservation guidelines prescribed by the National Park Service.
According to the letter of intent, the Diocese of Madison would retain ownership of the BOC land to be leased, as well as determination over the future use of the approximately 72-acre Bishop O’Connor Center.
The landmark building that would be redeveloped by Gorman would revert to diocesan control at the end of the 60-year lease period. In the interim, the diocese would relocate its administrative offices, and those of Catholic Charities and its family of other tenants, on a mutually convenient date before construction starts.
Grant Vicariate meeting October 11
HAZEL GREEN — St. Francis De Sales Parish, 2720 N. Percival St., will host the fall Grant Vicariate CCW meeting on Friday, Oct. 11.
Registration and exhibits start at 9 a.m., followed by business meeting. Fr. Lorin Bowens, Lime Ridge, along with attending priests, will celebrate Mass at 11, followed by lunch and program by Clowns for Christ.
Praying at 40 Days for Life
This year’s 40 Days for Life vigil to end abortion in Madison is set for Wednesday, Sept. 25, through Sunday, Nov. 3, near the Planned Parenthood Clinic on Orin Rd. in Madison.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul services poor in 149 countries
MADISON — Since its founding by college students in 1833 in Paris, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has grown to serve the poor in 149 countries on five continents.
Its international president is a sign of that worldwide growth. Dr. Michael Thio, a resident of Singapore, is the first non-European to serve as the society’s international president.
Going forward and looking back
MADISON — As the 2013 National Assembly of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul entered its third full scheduled day of events, it was a time to look back on how all the society’s works started.
The year 2013 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
Retreat on Ozanam’s life
A crowded Grand Ballroom at the Concourse Hotel in Madison, filled with members and volunteers from all across the country, spent part of the morning in a retreat, reflecting on Ozanam’s life.
The retreat was led by Ralph Middlecamp, society executive director for the district council of Madison, and by Sr. Kieran Kneaves, Daughter of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul since 1958.
Theology on Tap
MADISON — Theology on Tap for young adults will meet on Thursday, Sept. 26, at 7 p.m. at the Brink Lounge, 701 E. Washington Ave.
Brandon Cook and Jim Stokman will speak on “What Does It Mean To Be Human?: Fulfilling the Needs of Our Hearts.”
This presentation will discuss how looking at our life’s experience helps us to know (1) how we’re made and (2) what can fulfill us.
Rachel’s Vineyard retreats offer hope, healing after abortion
Adult faith formation Bible studies offered at Blessed Sacrament
MADISON — Pope Francis has captivated the attention of many people around the globe with his simplicity, humility, directness, and outreach to the marginalized.
He calls us to be in dialogue with the world reaching out to build a culture of “solidarity” or “encounter” in which a society shares and includes. This desire to love flows from the love we have received from Christ.
To help us better experience God’s love in the Scriptures and thus grow in loving, the Blessed Sacrament Parish Adult Faith Formation Committee will be offering various Bible studies this year:
Outdoor Stations prayed at St. Raphael site
Each Saturday, just a few blocks away from the classic Madison tradition of the farmer’s market, groups of people are coming to pray at the former site of St. Raphael Cathedral.