It’s a scene familiar in many Decembers. A Christmas tree, Christmas music, Christmas cookies, old friends getting reacquainted, new friendships forged, and even a visit from Santa.
Tag: lunch
Bishop Hying visits The Beacon
On August 8, Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison visited The Beacon in Madison for the first time since becoming the bishop of Madison.
Woman’s Club opens hearts to children in need
MADISON — The Madison Catholic Woman’s Club (MCWC) opens their hearts to children at their annual Christmas luncheon by bringing gifts of toys and clothing to benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Little Drummer program.
This year’s luncheon is at Rex’s Innkeeper, 301 Century Ave., Waunakee, on Tuesday, Dec. 5, at 12 noon.
Al Anderson, retired music educator, professional trombonist, and music historian will present “Sounds of the Season: Holiday Songs Like You’ve Never Heard Them.”
Apostolate to the Handicapped shares Christmas spirit with disabled, elderly
“This is so cool!” said first-time guest Denise Horn.
The Janesville resident had attended the Diocese of Madison’s Apostolate to the Handicapped Day at the Dells — featuring Mass, lunch, and the Tommy Bartlett Water Show — numerous times in the past, but she had never attended the annual Advent/Christmas Party before.
‘We’re more than a school . . . we’re family’
SPRING GREEN — “We are truly a family here at St. John’s School” is proclaimed on the website for St. John the Evangelist School in Spring Green (
The average class size is less than 15, which allows the teachers to know every student as an individual and to respect each for his or her own individual talents and gifts.
Catholic lawyers invited to ‘Client Care — a Step Above’
MADISON — The St. Thomas More Society is hosting a lunch meeting featuring Jackson Fonder, president and CEO of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Madison.
Fonder will discuss how attorneys can recognize when clients need more than a legal solution to their problems. Catholic Charities has many programs that can assist people of all faiths or no faith and attorneys can benefit from knowing how to get additional help for their clients.
Grandparents honored at All Saints School in Berlin
BERLIN — The grandparents of students visited All Saints School in Berlin on October 30 for the morning. The day together began with Mass prepared by students from all grades. Grandparents and students then toured the classrooms and enjoyed a delicious lunch.
They also made ornaments for the All Saints Christmas tree in Nathan Strong Park. The grandparents enjoyed seeing what is going on at school and their grandchildren had fun showing off their classrooms and schoolwork.
Catholic lawyers meet for educational lunches
MADISON — Topics like the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Abraham Lincoln, and learning how to provide even more compassionate client care are topics for educational lunches being planned with Catholic attorneys in the Diocese of Madison.
Continuing Legal Education credit (CLE) will be requested for each of these up-coming topics for the lunches sponsored by the diocesan St. Thomas More Society.
Speaker on November 1
On Friday, Nov. 1, Attorney James A. Ranney will speak on “Choosing Our Judges: Wisconsin’s Longstanding Debate.”