I recently came across a treasure trove of family pictures, formal portraits of my maternal grandparents — Ignatz and Frances Franecki.
Tag: legacy
Beginning of new ministry dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
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As I begin episcopal ministry in the great Diocese of Madison, the Lord has filled my spirit with joy, enthusiasm, and gratitude.
I am particularly thankful to Msgr. Jim Bartylla for his dedicated, effective, and loving leadership of the Diocese these past seven months.
Stepping into my new role has been easy because of his hard work. I am grateful to all the diocesan staff, the priests, permanent deacons, Religious, lay leaders, and the faithful who have all welcomed me with such kindness and love. I am already feeling very much at home!
Bishop Morlino’s legacy
We honor the legacy of Bishop Morlino as we continue to pray for him and lift him to the Lord.
I am grateful for his attention to growing the priesthood, the beauty and reverence of the liturgy, and the importance of faith formation for our leaders and people.
Catholic Diocese of Madison Foundation
Recently, The Catholic Diocese of Madison Foundation (CDMF) board of directors spent a full day on retreat reviewing their mission within the diocese.
The legacy of Benedict XVI
At his election in 2005, some thought of him as a papal place-keeper: a man who would keep the Chair of Peter warm for a few years until a younger papal candidate emerged.
In many other ways, and most recently by his remarkably self-effacing decision to abdicate, Joseph Ratzinger proved himself a man of surprises. What did he accomplish, and what was left undone, over a pontificate of almost eight years?