Aligned with the creative use of resources encouraged by the diocesan “Into the Deep” initiative and in a spirit of Christian collaboration, St. Ambrose Academy (SAA) and the Diocese of Madison recently entered into a long-term lease agreement to bring the independent sixth to 12th grade Catholic school into the Holy Name Heights facility in Madison as an anchor tenant at market rate.
Tag: Laura Karlen
Time to stand up: The Fall 2022 40 Days for Life Campaign
Do we still need to stand up for unborn babies in Madison and throughout Wisconsin?
Saving lives praying on the sidewalk with 40 Days for Life
It was pretty clear that Mary didn’t really want to go into the Planned Parenthood abortion facility that day in June 2021. But, Mary’s sister had already dropped Mary off and sped away. What would she do now?
40 Days for Life vigil campaign
The 40 Days for Life vigil kicked off with a meeting September 27 and talk by a local pro-lifer who was instrumental in the eventual defeat of the abortion plans at the Madison Surgery Center.
40 Days for Life begins anew in Madison
The peaceful pro-life prayer vigil 40 Days for Life will begin anew in Madison on Wednesday, Sept. 28, and run through Sunday, Nov. 6, on the sidewalk in front of the Planned Parenthood building on Orin Rd. on Madison’s east side.
It is possible to change minds and hearts on abortion
A young woman walked through the first set of doors at Madison’s Planned Parenthood clinic to register. However, she kept looking back at a person praying on the sidewalk outside the building.
Naming ceremony for miscarried infants
St. Mary Parish will host the second annual ceremony on Sunday, Oct. 10, for the naming and commendation of infants who have died before birth.