Usually exhaustion consumes me by Friday night.
Tag: kids
Third annual ‘Catholic Kids for a Cause’ held in Jefferson
JEFFERSON — The Catholic community of St. John the Baptist (SJB) School and St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Jefferson recently gathered to participate in a fundraising event for the family of Addie Houston, a fifth grader at East Elementary School and great-niece of St. John’s principal, Bill Bare.
As news of Addie’s battle against leukemia reached the school and parish community, there were many inquiries as to how to best help and support the family.
Camp Gray Benefit Dinner set for April 26
Of the 197 dioceses in the United States, only a small portion of them can claim that they serve the youth of the Church through the unique ministry of outdoor Catholic camping.
SSM Health at Home to hold children’s grief camp
MADISON — Camp GLOW (Giving Loved Ones Wings) is a grief support day camp for kids and their parents/guardians who are dealing with the loss of a loved one.
Staffed by SSM Health at Home spiritual and grief counselors and specially trained volunteers, the day camp gives kids the opportunity to share their grief in a safe space.
Totus Tuus helps children grow in faith
Incredible as it may seem, in just one week, children in the Diocese of Madison got to experience Mass, prayer, and Bible study, along with games, songs, snacks, and even live theater.
That’s what a normal week at Totus Tuus is like.
Garage sale raises funds for children in need
STOUGHTON — Four St. Ann Parish families who make up the charity, Kids-4-Kids, will host a garage sale on Saturday, June 11, from 8 a.m. until 12 noon at 2225 Hilldale Cir. in Stoughton, to raise funds for area children in need.
Help Camp Gray continue its mission at Benefit Dinner
REEDSBURG — “The world offers you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness!” said Pope Benedict XVI.
These words are words that we should all live by as we go about our daily lives. And that is just what the staff at Camp Gray does each and every day.
Volunteers from parishes joining together in Feed My Sheep effort
MADISON — In 2012 several parishes banded together with the Catholic Multicultural Center, Kids Against Hunger, as well as the organization 6:8 Making Service Personal and made a plan.
The plan, called Feed My Sheep, was to invite people from local Catholic parishes to donate toward building 25,000 meals for people in need in the Madison area and throughout the world. Each meal only cost a quarter, yet 25,000 meals sounded like a lot of quarters . . . and it was.
‘Do you love me? . . . Feed my sheep’
Last weekend in Madison, more than 100,000 meals were packed for hungry people at home and around the world.
A good number of the meals are going to children. Many of the meals were packed by children.
Saturday, March 16, was the second annual Lenten “Feed My Sheep” food-packing day at the Catholic Multicultural Center (CMC) in Madison.
The driving force behind the event is “6:8,” a group based out of Prairie du Sac that spearheaded a fundraising event and brought the money needed for the 100,000 meals. Last year, the group raised enough money to package more than 68,000 meals.
The executive directors of 6:8 are the husband and wife team of John and Sarah Ramthun.
As volunteers, including many children of all ages, poured into the chapel at the CMC for orientation, John shared the message of 6:8: “We desire to transform communities by making service personal,” said John.
Good fathers plant eternal memories in our hearts
I remember how Dad liked to plant a garden. First, he plowed and harrowed God’s good earth. This made the soil more receptive to receive and nourish seeds.
Next, he skillfully tied a string between two stakes to help make the rows even. We children watched with awe as he reverently planted seeds in the garden’s rich soil. This was sacred time.
We waited patiently for plants to push through the soil. Finally, one memorable day we discovered a shoot that had risen from the earth. We joyfully raced to be first to share the good news. Now whenever I see a garden, I think of Dad.