At my age, it is not too surprising to have a bad health day that keeps me home. But when it happens on Sunday and I must miss Mass, I find myself asking, “Why, God? Why today? Don’t you want me to go to Mass?”
Tag: kid
By the Cross offers books by area author, items for children
MADISON — Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles — in fact anyone involved with children — should visit By The Cross Catholic Gift and Bookstore on Madison’s east side.
This store is filled with many wonderful religious items for children, from coloring and activity books to prayer books to stuffed animals. It’s literally a treasure trove of educational, faith-filled, and fun things for Catholic kids.
Totus Tuus finishes its first year in the Diocese of Madison
“This is going to be the best week of your life” is a bold promise from the team members of Totus Tuus, but for most of the participants at all levels — it was indeed one of the best weeks of their lives.