Fr. Gary Krahenbuhl called it an “opportunity and [a] privilege to unite together two distinct, holy, and stable parishes [and] to create something new — the parish of Queen of Apostles.”
Tag: Kevin Wondrash
Learn about silence from silents
Ask me about what film won “Best Picture” this year or what is currently playing at the movie house and I couldn’t give you answers to either.
St. Vincent de Paul Society celebrates 100 years
The year 1925 was the time of the song “Yes Sir, That’s My Baby,” Charlie Chaplin’s The Gold Rush, and President Calvin Coolidge. It was also the year that the needs of neighbors struggling to make ends meet galvanized a small group of Catholic parishioners in the Madison area.
Half a Lent is better than no Lent
A couple of weeks into a new year, there’s a day called “Quitter’s Friday”. It’s the alleged day in which many people who had noble goals — eat less, exercise more, donate more money to charities, be less angry at outcomes of sporting events — decide to, well, “quit,” and go back to how things were prior to that respective January 1.
Joy through penance
By the time you get this issue of the paper, we’ll be at least a week into Lent. When you’ll actually be reading it is another matter, but here we are.
A different way of learning about death
We have all experienced death in some way. Many of us have had close relatives or friends die. We’ve all had to accept that once someone is gone, they are gone.
Rediscovering the value of life
Recently making the rounds of viral media was an article about an asteroid that has a “chance” of hitting the Earth by December 22, 2032.
Only one way to go
Observationally speaking, January 20, 2025, was a day of mixed emotions for a lot of people. One presidential administration began its service and leadership and another one ended its. So it goes.
We’re all affected by it all
There hasn’t been a slow news day so far in A.D. 2025. That’s good news for a news producer, but bad news for all of the people affected by the news.
Our given Sundays
Its main day of observance is Sunday. Each year, there is one Sunday that is above all of the rest and is “what it’s all about”.