In the old church a mile from our house, beautiful stained glass windows depict the life of Christ and other biblical images.
Tag: Julianne Nornberg
Gratitude, sacrifice are the ‘stitches’ needed to sanctify our lives
When we remember what Our Lord has given us, what He has done for us, and what it will be like when we hopefully join Him in Heaven one day, we can lovingly sanctify every action we make.
Rest in Our Lord so He can rest in us
In our front garden stands a skinny Japanese maple tree, currently covered in bright white lights for the Christmas season.
Offering up silent sacrifices this Advent
Whatever the silent sacrifices look like for you this Advent, know that they are ways Our Lord is asking you to grow closer to Him.
Childlike simplicity paves way for happiness
Happiness is different from a constant deep joy that is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, but happiness is a start, and I am grateful for its simplicity.
Dry those tears and learn to trust
Do you trust in Our Lord Do you trust in His promises? Do you trust in His plans for you? Do you trust in Our Lady’s ability to intercede for you? Do you?
Then dry your tears and say your prayers again. This time not just with the words on your lips, but with all that is within you and with the deepest surrender of your heart.
Trust makes all the difference.
St. Bernard Parish elevated to Cathedral of St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison presided on September 15, at a Mass that marked in a formal way the installation of St. Bernard Parish as the Cathedral of St. Bernard of Clairvaux in the Diocese of Madison.
What we need when the going gets tough
In our times of greatest trial on this Earth, in the moments we think we can’t take another step on the difficult journey of our lives, we have to stop looking down at the dusty trail before us and look up at the hope in the people with whom God has surrounded us.
Lessons from a backseat driver
In the practice of surrendering control … the very things I find most difficult to hand over are the things that draw me closer to Him.
Sparking childlike awe of Our Lord
The true wonder of the world lies not in earthly discoveries, but in the Eucharist, a palpable Love that can ignite us from within if we strive to approach it with the awe of a child.