Tag: john
Equipping the family: Having critical conversations
We all know it’s there and probably have some idea of how we could access it. Pornography affects some of us more directly than others, but there’s no doubt that porn is a problem impacting all of us, and regrettably, it’s not going away anytime soon.
Porn has created a culture of its own, and this culture is influencing each one of us spiritually, physically, emotionally, and relationally to a greater or lesser extent depending on if we directly participate in the use of pornography. There are immense moral, social, and spiritual dangers for us and even for our children.
Mass of Christian Burial for Deacon Jack Fernan
A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at St. Bernard Church in Madison, on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2019, at 12:30 p.m. for Deacon John (“Jack”) Kenneth Fernan, who died on October 27, 2019, at the age of 82.
Kindness Revolution starts in Waunakee
WAUNAKEE — “We are starting a Kindness Revolution, today,” Principal Liz Goldman told the students of St. John the Baptist School in Waunakee.
The school held a Kindness Revolution pep rally on September 6 as part of the start to its school year.
The pep rally was attended by St. John students, along with some of their parents and other family members.
Jefferson parish and school mourns death of graduate
JEFFERSON — St. John the Baptist School eighth grade teacher Margie Schels admits “it was a rough week.”
She explained, “A very dear student, who just graduated from St. John the Baptist School in June, died on the evening of September 3. Kena (Makena Suzanne-Lynn Eighmy) had battled leukemia for four years, and God decided he needed her at home,” said Schels.
“It has been rough for adults and students alike, but we continue to be a loving community that supports one another through the toughest of times.
St. John Catholic School schedules Golf Benefit
PRINCETON — Plans are underway for St. John Catholic School in Princeton’s 19th annual Golf Benefit to be held on Saturday, May 18, at Sondalle’s White Lake Country Club, Montello.
Price is $75 per person. This is the same price as last year in the hopes of increasing participation. Cost includes 18 holes of golf, cart, and dinner. The cost for full members of Sondalle’s White Lake Country Club is $50 per person.
Sr. Kathleen Loughrin, OP, dies
Sr. Kathleen Loughrin, OP, died April 29, 2019, at St. Dominic Villa, Hazel Green, Wis. Her religious name was Sister Janetta.
Third annual ‘Catholic Kids for a Cause’ held in Jefferson
JEFFERSON — The Catholic community of St. John the Baptist (SJB) School and St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Jefferson recently gathered to participate in a fundraising event for the family of Addie Houston, a fifth grader at East Elementary School and great-niece of St. John’s principal, Bill Bare.
As news of Addie’s battle against leukemia reached the school and parish community, there were many inquiries as to how to best help and support the family.
Celebration for Sr. Lauretana Gorman
JANESVILLE — Sr. Lauretana Gorman, OP, will be retiring at the end of January after 62 years of consecrated Religious Life as a Sinsinawa Dominican and nearly 24 years of service at St. John Vianney Parish in Janesville.
In appreciation of her lifetime of service and many years spent at the parish, St. John Vianney Parish is hosting a retirement celebration during the weekend of January 26 to 27.
Sr. Cecilia Marie Brown, OP dies
Sr. Cecilia Marie Brown, OP — formerly known as Barbara Jane Mary Brown, died on Saturday, January 5, 2019, at the Dominican Life Center in Adrian, Mich. She was 95.