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Tag: home
Baking for Works of Mercy
MADISON — Our amazing priests lead us spiritually, pray with our families, visit the sick, hurting, and dying, hear our confessions, and offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
‘Climate Change in the Americas’ event bridges borders to care for our common home
MADISON — In Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis calls us to this vision: “Let us dream, then, as a single human family, as fellow travelers sharing the same flesh, as children of the same earth which is our common home, each of us bringing the richness of his or her beliefs and convictions, each of us with his or her own voice, brothers and sisters all.”
In this vein, “Climate Change in the Americas” hosted by the Catholic Multicultural Center (CMC) used technology to bridge borders, highlight the voices of community advocates from all walks of life, and bring people together to talk about the greatest threat to our common home and all who share it.
Sharing experiences
“There is not a Planet B. Climate change is a reality for us here in Mexico,” said Antonio Diaz, a soon-to-be college graduate studying business with an emphasis in sustainable production and distribution.
A Heart of Mercy in the Diocese of Madison
MADISON — Bishop Donald J. Hying reflects on devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as a way to encounter the fullness of God’s mercy.
Bishop Hying on the Sacred Heart of Jesus
“During the month of June, we celebrate the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus,” said Bishop Hying.
“This devotion is a way for us to encounter the fullness of God’s mercy poured out for us in Jesus Christ. We steep our souls and thoughts in the meditation of the fiery, divine Heart which showers the compassion and mercy of God on us through the teaching, healing, and forgiveness of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Restored Mazzuchelli rectory open for visitors
The Benton home of Venerable Samuel Mazzuchelli, OP, from 1852 to 1864 is open for visitors every Sunday from now through mid-October from 2 to 4 p.m.
Diocese of Madison to roll out reopening plan early next week
MADISON — With the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling of May 13, which overturned Governor Tony Evers’ state-wide Emergency Order #28, i.e., the “Safer at Home” Order, Most Reverend Donald Hying, Bishop of Madison offered the following brief statement:
“I certainly appreciate the exception added to the Public Health Madison and Dane County Order of May 13th, which while continuing to list religious entities as ‘Essential Businesses and Operations’, also allows for more reasonably-sized congregations for public worship while maintaining appropriate health-related safeguards, and I look forward to seeing this exception for religious entities being adopted in our other ten counties in the Diocese of Madison, and hopefully statewide in any possible future state order.
Zoom Ministry: caring for our youth online
MADISON — “Hey, J. Gregory!” said a teen over the video conferencing platform Zoom. “Don’t you own a pair of scissors?”
Jaymes Gregory Curran, the youth director of Blessed Sacrament Parish in Madison, certainly wouldn’t have envisioned sitting in his parish’s empty youth room talking over Zoom a few months ago.
“I’d heard of Zoom before the pandemic hit,” he said. “But I have never been a fan of FaceTime, Skype, or other similar apps.”
St. Joseph School Home and School Association to host ninth annual golf outing
FORT ATKINSON — On Sunday, July 15, St. Joseph School’s Home and School Association will be hosting its ninth annual golf outing at the Koshkonong Mounds Country Club located at W7670 Koshkonong Mounds Rd., Fort Atkinson.
Registration is at 11:30 a.m. with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. Golfing is $35 for members and $75 for non-members.
St. Rose helps men’s shelter
CUBA CITY — The St. Rose of Lima School Family in Cuba City raised money and made blankets for the Almost Home Men’s Shelter in Dubuque, Iowa.
Clare from Clare Cares in Dubuque started Operation Warm Toes- Grateful Hearts for Christmas for the 12 men staying there. She reached out to different organizations to help her. St. Rose was happy to be of help for this great cause.
St. Rose helps men’s shelter
CUBA CITY — The St. Rose of Lima School Family in Cuba City raised money and made blankets for the Almost Home Men’s Shelter in Dubuque, Iowa.
Clare from Clare Cares in Dubuque started Operation Warm Toes- Grateful Hearts for Christmas for the 12 men staying there. She reached out to different organizations to help her. St. Rose was happy to be of help for this great cause.