MADISON — The 75th semi-annual International Rosary March will be held on Sunday, May 4, at 2 p.m. at Holy Redeemer Church, 120 W. Johnson St.
There will be a homily, Benediction, and praying of the Rosary.
MADISON — The 75th semi-annual International Rosary March will be held on Sunday, May 4, at 2 p.m. at Holy Redeemer Church, 120 W. Johnson St.
There will be a homily, Benediction, and praying of the Rosary.
MADISON — December is a lonely time at the train station in the small town of Holly.
“This is the most hopeless place in the world!” Hilda intones as she and Satch, her assistant, argue over what time it is.
MADISON — There will be open houses and tours the next two Thursdays, Feb. 27 and March 6, from 4 to 5 p.m. at the site of Lumen House at 142 W. Johnson St.
Lumen House is a student housing project of Cathedral Parish in Madison. Residents will experience high quality apartment living within a small, supportive community.
MADISON — The Diocese of Madison’s Office of Worship will hold Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Workshops at two locations in the coming weeks.
WATERTOWN — St. Henry Parish, 300 E. Cady St., Watertown, is hosting a day of prayer and formation for all lectors, musicians, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, catechists, greeters, altar servers, ushers, and art and environment committees on Saturday, March 1, from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Abbot Marcel Rooney, OSB, will be the keynote speaker. Abbot Rooney is a dynamic speaker who has consulted on the liturgy with Blessed John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
MADISON — Join Abbot Marcel Rooney, OSB, and other Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) on Wednesday, March 26, from 7 to 9 p.m. for a mini-Lenten retreat at St. Maria Goretti Church, 5313 Flad Ave., Madison.
This evening is intended as an enrichment opportunity for veteran eucharistic ministers and does not fulfill the requirement of training at one of the regularly-scheduled workshops for EMHC.
On Thursday, Dec. 12, Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Darlington held a Spanish Mass honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Dear Friends,
This past Sunday — our Second Sunday of Advent — we continued to read from the Prophet Isaiah as he foretold Jesus’s coming. We heard of the coming Messiah and how “the Spirit of the Lord will come upon him (Is 11:2)” in the First Reading. …
MADISON — For the second time this month, the auditorium inside the Bishop O’Connor Center in Madison was packed with a Friday night audience. Back on November 1, All Saints Day, hundreds gathered to hear Fr. Michael Gaitley talk on 33 Days to Morning Glory and the consecration to Jesus through Mary.
KIELER — The fourth graders at Holy Ghost-Immaculate Conception School in Kieler each received their own Bible. The Bibles were a very generous gift from the Knights of Columbus Cuba City Council. The students were very excited to receive a gift that will be used throughout their life.